
I don't make any profit from this stuff. I do it for fun because the show's writers and producers can't handle the characters. Ira Steven Behr, a.k.a. Fuck You Ira, should fuck off and learn how to treat characters properly. The characters used in these stories (with the exception of Mary Sue) are there because they were getting a bit crowded in Jen's closet and needed some fresh air.
There Is No Pain. TOS, S, Mc, Sc, G.
Written as a tribute to DeForrest Kelly, April '99. Spock and Scotty visit a dying McCoy.
Set after 'Relics'

Picard's Secret. TOS/TNG/other, Parody, K, P, Q, PG.
Round Robin co-written with AntiTrek, Tasha and shomizu. Alot of weird stuff is happening to Picard, and Q seems to be behind it. But why?
Set after 'The Q And The Grey'

Jil Orra. TNG/DS9, Jil Orra Madred, PG.
Jil Orra Madred (Chain Of Command) sits stroking her wompet, and thinking of both events which have shaped her  life, and the revenge she craves.
Set just before 'Treachery, Faith And The Great River'
Garak, Julian, and Vegemite. DS9, G & B, DRABBLE, G.
Julian introduces Garak to Vegemite.
Garak Goes Skiing. DS9, G & B, DRABBLE, PG.
Garak and Julian go skiing.
Deep Spuss Ni
ne. DS9, K/Du, PG-13.
Nearly everyone on DS9 is a cat. Watch the fun begin!
Set between 'Looking For Par'Mach In All The Wrong Places' and 'In Purgatory's Shad
DS9 Drabble Serie
s. DS9, S, K, D, B, O, Jake, Nog, Nechayev, PG
Sentient drabbles take over DS9. For information on what drabbles are, go here.
Set either before Nog goes to Starfleet Academy, or between Nog coming home and 'Tears Of The Prophet
Indiscretion Vignet
te. DS9, Du, G.
What was Dukat doing when he found out about the *Ravinok* being found?
Set at the start of 'Indiscretio
ns. DS9, Da, Z, G.
An explanation is demanded of Damar as to why he killed Ziyal. But who wants it, and why?
Set after 'Sacrifice of Angel
Now I Am S
ix. DS9, Du, FILK, G.
A rewrite of A.A.Milne's poem of the same na
Pictures In The S
and. DS9, Z, G.
Just before her father rescues her from Dozaria, Ziyal draws a picture of herself and her parents.
Set during 'Indiscreti
Shades Of Gr
ey. DS9, Du, G.
A fight with Ziyal makes Dukat remember another fight, long ago.
Set during the war ar
What Happened Next Mornin
g. DS9, K & Du, G.
Kira wakes up in Dukat's bed. What happene
Happy Little Treksmutter
s. MIS, FILK, G.
A little filk based on the Vegemite jingl
Warp Core
Breach. MIS, Mary Sue, DRABBLE, G.
There's a warp core breach. What'll happen after Mary Sue fixes it? (and no it's not glowing praise from everyone in Starfleet <gasp>

Reunion. DS9, Du/f
, G.
Published in 'Outpost 10,' not on this sit

Endings And Beginnings. DS9, S, Du
, G.
Published in 'FYI,' not on this sit