Complete Omniversal Role-Playing System
I like CORPS. I like it lots. But there's not a lot of support
material for it yet (hey -- Greg's only one guy!) So here are
some things I use with CORPS.
- Melee Weapons for CORPS
A conversion of one of I. Marc Carlson's lists of weapons for TimeLords into CORPS. Includes slings.
- Converting to CORPS
- Now discusses both Hero and GURPS.
- The Cassandra Bureau
- A PDF of a Word document (be warned) that I started to describe a setting for a modern monster hunter game. I stole a lot of somebody else's (Neil Asato, perhaps, or I. Marc Carlson?) vampire material, and the people who wanted to play changed their minds, so I never finished the setting material. (You'll see the Setting section says "Blah blah blah.") But really...the one sentence description is "Men In Black: The Early Years."
- Some Spells for CORPS
- Still under construction: this was the set of spells I
was going to use for the Burlady universe of the Palimpsests
campaign, but I'm currently using (some of) them for Aegis.
- Some Monsters for CORPS
- You know -- zombies, skeletons, giants, and vampires.
- Some vampires for CORPS
- Conversions of some of I. Marc Carlson's creatures for
- A PDF Character Sheet for CORPS
- Taken from the BTRC page, mostly
because I was having trouble connecting a while ago.
- CORPS rules in a nutshell PDF
- Also taken from the BTRC page,
because I was having trouble connecting a while ago.
- Player introduction for As
Above, So Below
- Of interest because I'm using CORPS and because it contains
a power framework and two example paranormal powers for this setting.
- The Wicked Dead
- So if you were going to run cult classic The Evil Dead using
CORPS, how would you do it? Well, here are my ideas... Includes
a number of college student archetypes.
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Copyright � 1998, 2001 John McMullen