Full NameDana Katherine Scully
BornFebruary 23, 1964
Height5' 3"
Hair ColorRed
Eye ColorGreen
ID No.2317-616
Address3170 West 53 RD. #35 Annapolis, MD
Father's NameWilliam Scully
Mother's NameMargaret Scully
Home Phone(202) 5556431
Cellular Phone(202)555-3564
Education Completed a undergraduate degree in physics at the University of Maryland in 1986, then completed medical degree before graduating the FBI Training Academy in 1992.
Career History Assigned to X-Files on March 6, 1992 with Special Agent Fox Mulder to observe and report back to her superiors on his work and logic.Reassigned to the training academy after the X-Files are shut down in May 1994.. Was abducted in October 1994 from her home by Duane Barry, a FBI fugitive. The X-Files were reopened soon after. She was returned in November 1994 to North Georgetown University Hospital, in a deep coma. Her whereabouts while she was missing are unknown. She returned to duty once recovered and has no memory of her abduction.


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Dana Scully

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