Valley of the Kings and the Colossi of Memnon

On the same day that we did Deir el-Bahri, we spent quite some time at the Valley of the Kings, and did a quick pull-over at the Colossi of Memnon. The Valley of the Kings is where a great deal of later Dynasty Pharaohs were buried, including King Tutankhamun.

My legs were still feeling like someone had taken a sledgehammer to them, so I wasn't able to enjoy it as much as I wanted. I was fine as long as I stayed on level ground, but a lot of the Valley of the Kings was either up or down, so I really must have been a sight going along. "Ow ow ow..., cool. Ow ow ow..."

Getting into the Valley, we got a ticket that was good for three general tombs. Every time we went into one, the guys at the folks tore off a corner. It's too bad they don't let you just go wild, but then I can understand the need to limit how many folks go in. Breathing causes moisture to form on the walls, which cracks the plaster and ruins the paint. A lot of the walls have plexiglass shields between them and the tourists to try and stave that off.

King Tut's tomb wasn't one of the "general" tombs -- you had to pay 40 Pounds to go and see it. But, between my legs and being a cheapass, I didn't go for it. And wouldn't you know, this was the last year they were allowing folks to go and see the tomb? After this they're shutting it down for an indeterminate amount of time to keep it from deteriorating further.

Bad timing, or what?

We saw the tomb of Siptah, Rameses IV and..., someone else I can't remember, so he must not have been so important. And, of course, we couldn't take photos in the tombs, so there are none here. Rats.