The Kavlirilion!
Tales from the Fabled Book of Kavlas.
Before the Ancient TzatzikiClysm (you know when the great Souvlaki fell on top of Istar .. looong before the Cataclysm) Ansalon was filled with Maza historians. And the fabled Mazarilions were written. They were divided in books (the Zbarakouakirilion the Vegorilion the Kavlirilion etc)
However due to the enormous mountain of Tzatziki lava which spluttered around Krynn on the day of the Tzatzikiclysm, every book except Kavlirilion was stained so much it was unreadable. Kavlirilion survived only because Kavlas kept it where he keeps all his other stuff.. in his pants. And we know that nothing can get into those pants due to the odour.
So from all the books only Kavlirilion survived....
Page 57, Verse 2 of the Kavlirilion..
"Kavlas took out his dick and looked at it intently. 'fuck', he said,
dirty!'. And having spoken these words aloud, he hurried to the nearest
pond, where he took a bath. And the pond became dirty and black and
of death. The fish died in it and the birds that flew nearby fainted.
Kavlas was happy because his dick was clean and tidy, like his room. And
momma cooked for him an apple pie which was delicious..."
-The Kavlirilion
Some excerts from the mythical pages...
The story of ThroatDeep and Cumara Desert.
By Zbarakouak the Historian of Lust
Arem's Tale of Kavlas in Solace.
According to Ripped Pages From Arem's Diary
The Lost Tales of the Kavlirilion.
By Salamias, the naive recorder of the adventures of Nostramazos, Kavlas, and Dolofonos.
The Maza Chronicles of the Zbarakouakirilion.Chapter 3.
As scribed by Psari.
King Berger, the undead!
By Kavlas, the Wielder.
Zbarakouak the sleazy, slimy farmer.
By Kavlas, the Wielder.
The Quest of Zbarakouakionia.
By Zbarakouak the Historian of Lust
How Marika got Heal.
By Kleftokotas the Historian of Disaster.
Zbarakouak the Wise, tells a story about the past.
By Zbarakouak the Historian of Lust