* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I expect everyone knows that the astrological chart currently used by most European astrologers is like a huge celestial orange divided into twelve segments, or houses, each belonging to the twelve signs, beginning with Aries and ending with Pisces. These houses are governed, or ruled, by the nine great planets. Nine into twelve?? Well, Venus and Mercury have double helpings - but don't ask me why. It just happened. Now, you may have been born under the sign of, say, Aries. But that doesn't mean your sun will be in the first House. That depends on the time and place where you were born., so everything will be modified accordingly. Reading about these Houses don't think "Oh! That's not like me!" Of course not. Nobody gets the perfect chart - that's just not possible. Think of the Houses... as houses! Your birthdate puts in the furniture - the style, the decorations. Wouldn't it be awful if we were all the same? Later on we'll try out various planets in the Houses and see what happens. Meanwhile, click on the links above to read the quick notes - a bit of astrological shorthand, on each of the Houses. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * After looking at the Houses, I want to remind everyone that these are just little jottings or notes - and just that. Different planets and different arrangements will entirely change everything. Good planets cancel out difficult ones, some even cancel out each other, so that, what at a first glance may seem rather desperate, on checking - and doing horrible calculations - the whole story may end up quite differently. Always remember that the stars only point the way. We still retain free will and can say "No. I won't take that path". Seren Copyright © 1996 Seren. All rights reserved. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Send mail to CrystalKaz@aol.com with questions or comments about
this web site.