Do we deserve to go on

Walking down the road of life you see many things
Try as you might you can't see what tomorrow brings
Some days are sunny and some filled with rain
Some days bring you joy and some bring you pain
But through it all just remember these words I am saying now
It'll all work out in the end though we might not know how
You have to keep on going no matter how bad the struggle may be
It'll all work out just you wait and see
There is nothing in this world you cannot over come
This is something that escapes almost everyone
There are a few of us that know the secret of life
There is a way to escape pain and stife
All you need is to wake up every day
Look to the heavens talk to the Lord and say
Thank you Lord for another day of living
I promise this day I will start giving
Giving to all those who have less than I
I'll never be afraid to stop and ask why
Why do you give us the chance to go on destroying all you have given?
Does mankind really deserve to go on living?
If you listen to the whispering wind through the trees
You will hear a voice that is sure to please
Where it comes from you will know
This soft gentle voice will tell you leave this place
To stand before God and look into his face
Pray for humanity and their evil ways
Because these could be our final days

Written by Dan Pippin aka Shadowstar

This poem was written by a dear friend of mine.. he is one of the best people you could hope to meet. Many people might know him as Shadowstar... to me he is Shadow... he was there beside me in some very hard times for me. He even allowed me to come to his place in Missouri to escape my pressures for a while. While there I took this beautiful pic of the sunset looking out over the lake on his property. I don't know if I will ever be able to thank him for his kindness or friendship. Below he is pictured with his dog Mickey..  who is spoiled rotten and knows it. I miss taking a walk to the point most mornings with Mickey and look forward to doing it again.  Don't ever change Shadow.. you are a knight in shining armor. 

Love you dearly... Janet

Below are links to my other pages.. please visit them too.

A bit about me

My kids



Precious gift

For my friends
