For My Friends

Although I have never really taken the time
To tell you how much you mean to me, I give you this rhyme.
I've never met you face to face, possibly never will
Yet, I find you deep in my heart still.
When I feel down and out, alone, confused and blue;
All I have to do is turn on my computer to find one of you!
You've touched my heart and soul
And helped me feel a little more whole.
I never would've imagined when I got the internet,
All the special, kind and wonderful people I've met!
You're always there to lend a listening ear
Whether you're very far or pretty near.
It seems that no matter how bad I may feel,
After talking to you, a smile you manage to steal.
So, thank you my friend for all you've done
And for filling my life with a little bit of fun.
If there's ever anything you need or I can do,
I will be there and help you stick it through.
Thes is dedicated to my special internet friends,
You've touched my very being, to our friendship, I see no end!

Written by Denise aka Breeze

No page that has Denise's name on it is complete without a picture of a wolf somewhere. They are her passion, and like a wolf she is loyal to her pack of friends. 

Like a rosebud our friendship has bloomed. I love you as if you truely were my sister Denise.  I love your poems and I think the one I chose for this page many people can relate to... I never dreamed I would find my best friends, who are generous, kind and loving on the internet.

To visit my other pages click on the links below

Do we deserve

A bit about me

Precious gift




My kids