PEACE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
What is peace? Where can I find it? How can I keep it? Doesn't everyone need it? Peace is a tranquil feeling We all seek Seldom do we think we have found it Until it is slipping out of our grasp We do not realize that peace is the simple things Like the sound of a newborn crying It means it is alive... there is peace The sound of children running and screaming They are healthy... there is peace Disagreeing with your teenager They are growing and becoming independent There is peace Listening to the stories of the elderly They have lived through so much Knowing they survived and so will we There is peace Your mate putting their cold feet against You in the middle of the night They are with you... there is peace Lying in your lover's arms You are accepted... there is peace There is even peace in arguing with a lover or friend As long as you remember to respect their opinions There is peace because you can be free to be you! To keep this peace remember To treat others as you wish to be treated Give other the space they need to grow Love your mate and friends with all your heart And the peace you will find will be more than reward enough The world needs more peace and love Spread your love and bring peace to others Smile at a stranger and brighten their day May you find peace and remember to hang onto it Don't let is slip away Find your peace in the simple things. Written by Janet Moody on May 11, 2000. |
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Do we deserve | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Thanks | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
For my friends | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
My kids | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
A bit about me | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Precious Gift | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||