I wrote this for the angels in icq5... you know you are. This is also for anyone else who needs to thank someone they have met on the net that has been there for them. The net is like a garden.. when you weed out the bad.. you find the most beautiful blossoms. 
Love to all my friends :))

Thanks is not enough

How do you say thanks
The word just is not enough
They say you can’t find real friends on the net
We know that is just not true
Not only have we found friends…
We have found angels that touch our lives
Friends you have been there for us in our darkest times
We may not have seen your faces
But you have touched our hearts
In our times of trouble you have:
Listened to us pour our hearts out
Reassured us that things will get better
Made us feel like you were holding our hands
Hugging us close and letting us cry
Not once did you say… it is not important
You gave us the energy and the means to go on
You helped us be together
When we so desperately need to be together
You made us believe in angels on earth
Your support and love has meant so very much to us
You are forever in our hearts
Never will we forget what you have done
Thank you Angels…
The words will never express fully how we feel.

Forever in our hearts Rose and Goldenheart
aka  Janet and Marvin

Please feel free to visit my other pages or to email me with any comments.

Do we deserve



A bit about me

Precious Gift

My kids
