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Sent in by rrain...

uhhhhh..... sand. It's grainy...... it's used in making glass..... it doen't feel too good if it gets in your shorts.... tastes good with butter flavored motor oil though....

Jack rabbits

Sent in by rrain...

1) Who is Jack anyway?
2) What is he doing with all those rabbits?


Sent in by rrain...

Titanium.... sounds like a pornographic flower.....


Sent in by rrain...

Makes for a groovy Pink Floyd Cover....


Another one sent in by rrain... and 10 more from her left.... yeesh

Okay..... finally one I'm clueless about.... ask my mom about that one, she's the flower expert

My Mom--"well a Geranium is..."

uh... thanks Mom, that's enough....

The Ray Charles song "Sweet Georgia Brown"

Sent in by rrain...

Uh huh.... that's not what I'm thinking..... -_^


if anyone can guess who sent this one in, they get one cool point

What is that? Some sort of cheesy comic superhero? :þ



Uh..... lemme get back to you on that one

Dead worms


Dead or alive.... still tastes good with a little Cayenne....

Electrical Fires


Geez, G. What were you doing when you wrote these, watching the Discovery Channel while listening to the radio??? Electrical fires... can be a pretty shocking thing. I've seen a lot of people's stuff go up in smoke faster than a lightning bolt... and if I say one more bad pun then you can shoot me...

Decaying leaves


Sounds like a rotten subject to me.....

Bead Doors


Favorites of hippies the world 'round.... but not this particular nut...

Miniature jugs


I can think of a million jokes for that one, but I'll get booted from Geocities...


-rrain... (and the last one by her too)

Heather is one of the sweetest ladies I have ever met... She's kind, caring, has one of the most attractive personalities I've ever met... but for some reason gets taken for granted a bit more than anyone should have to be... I've taken it upon myself to become her guardian... me and my dumb bleeding heart...


Guess what folks! My insane stalker's back!!! Woo Hoo!!!

Glad to have you back, dear! Anyway... I was wondering when this one would come up... *gasp* Redheads are the epitome of perfection, the pinnacle of gorgeousness, and the main objects of my desires ever since I was a pup. They have been, are, and always will be the most perfect forms of women to ever be thought of. Yes ladies and all you other ladies out there... redheads are a prime example as to why God is good... *does an impression of that lady on the dumb Psychic friends network* Oh, he's good... he's really good...

Country music

-sent in by my insane stalker (heh heh... I have a name now...)

I really... really... REALLY... hate country music... the whold thing nauseates me. I have no problem with the people who sing it or the people who like it, I just have a problem with it... but I think Shania Twain is gorgeous!

South Park

-sent in by the artist formerly known as my insane stalker (who will now be known as... H)

Three words:


UPDATE! JULY 1, 1999

Three words:


Boxers vs. Briefs

-sent in by H

Honestly, I wear them both... no kidding. I don't like being so free, but I don't like the thinness of briefs...

14 yr old girls who spend way too much time on the phone

-sent in my H (H.... sounds like a bad James Bond villian)

Ah, I see you have a sister too...
Okay, this particuarly common species of the Homo Sapiens Erectus is usually found on or nearby a telephone, and are not easily distracted and often becomes irritable and/or violent when disturbed. The only way to remove this subject safely from the telephone is to promote the appearace of one of the dominant Homo Sapiens, which presents an entirely different scenario: the older ones tend to have a list of tasks for young ones to complete...

Fried Chicken

-sent in by H

Okay, guys... this one's for you: If you're over a girl's house for a chicken dinner, and her father asks you what your favorite piece is... FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE SAY THE WINGS!!!

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