Cyber Adoption Castle
This is our new Castle! Designed and Created by 4 Kids. The Castle is open for business! The Tower: holds Maelorwen and Magean's Adoptee Accessories.
Left Big Window: contains our Adoptee Referrals.
Center Big Window: Adopt your Enchanted Friend
Right Big Window: Cyber Adoption Links
Castle Door: Entrance to the List of Adoptees Homes.
Right Dungeon Window:Will take you to the main page.
Have an Enchanted Stay in our New Castle!

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|Chloe's Playground|Emalie's Stage|Jordan's Diamond|Jeremy's Hall of Doom|
|Squeaky the Mouse|Barney Page|Pooh Page|CyberAdoption Links|
|Book Reviews|Education|Practice ABC's|Alphabet Castle|
|Alphabet Board|Games|Adventures of Magean & Maelorwen|
|Internet Safety|FAQ PageWeb Rings|Places To Be|
|Recipes|Missing Children| |Wizard Accessories|Adopt a Wizard|
Our Awards|E-mail Us|Sign our Guestbook|View our Guestbook|

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