The Alphabet Castle
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Welcome to the NEW Alphabet Castle.
A new letter will be added each week, so make sure you hit your reload button every time you
visit so that you get the updated castle.
The Alphabet Castle is not just the alphabet, it is also resource information for parents
to help their children learn to read. We have also included our Book Reviews here because there
is no better way to learn to read than to practice and be exposed to as many books as possible.
We hope you enjoy our new castle, this should make this portion of our site much easier to explore.
|Practice the Alphabet|Alphabet Board|Short A sound|Short E sound|
|Short I sound|Short U sound|S sound|T sound|N sound|Word Scramble
|Chloe's Playground|Emalie's Stage|Jordan's Diamond|Jeremy's Hall of Doom|
|Squeaky the Mouse|Barney Page|Pooh Page|CyberAdoption Links|
|Book Reviews|Education|Practice ABC's|Alphabet Castle|
|Alphabet Board|Games|Adventures of Magean & Maelorwen|
|Internet Safety|FAQ Page|Birthday Page|Web Rings|Places To Be|
|Recipes|Missing Children|Apply for an Award|Award Winners|
|Wizard Accessories|Adopt a Wizard|
Our Awards|E-mail Us|Sign our Guestbook|View our Guestbook|
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