Well, folks, I've started reading the newspaper again. As usual, I've found a bunch of stuff that just makes me want to eat barb-wire and spit 8-penny nails! So this little spot has become too small for it's purpose! Sorry, but you'll have to click on a topic to hear me spout off from now on!
Racism - written 2/14/98
Saddam Hussein - written 2/16/98
Bill Clinton's Sex Life - updated 4/4/98
Cigarettes - written 3/19/98
Juvenile Crime - written 3/25/98
Gun Control - written 3/25/98
Air Pollution - written 3/29/98
The Paula Jones Case - written 4/4/98
BIC lighters - written 5/31/98
Wwll, I know it's been a while since I made any updates, but I finally got around to it. I'm updating the new Skynyrd Pages and the WebRings have been moved to their own page. Maybe now the main page will load a little faster!
Here's a special treat for you music fans! I'm expanding the Skynyrd pages into a whole Southern Rock web site! I've uploaded what I've got so far; there's still a lot to do, a lot of the links still don't work yet, but I thought you might like a sneak preview. There's a link at the bottom of the Skynyrd main page, or you can click here to go straight to it! Enjoy!
Don't forget to sign my Guestbook! I like to hear from my visitors!
For all y'all who've been trying to sign the guestbook, it's working now! Something about needing to use some weird URL.... If you're on geocities, and can't get your guestbook link to work, e-mail me and I'll let you in on the "secret" code!