Somehow, I don't believe the fellow who wrote that ever lived on a ranch!
We often have warm and wet springtimes with quite a few bad
thunderstorms thrown in for good measure.
Summertime starts with a bang! With extremely high temperatures and humidity, outside activity is limited to tending the horses, making sure there is ample water available for the birds and everyone and mowing grass.
Lots and lots of youngsters around, from young birds learning to fly, to young calves and foals in the pasture, to young squirrels teasing the dogs on the other side of the fence.
With the advent of fall, it is time to "winterize" and be
sure the ranch is in shape for weather that can get COLD
at times!
The residents of Black Rock Ranch want to thank you for coming by
and hope you enjoyed your visit.
We encourage you to look at the wonderful organizations that are
listed in our links below, and consider the importance of these things to you and yours.