In celebration of the life of ~Mary Jo Gray~
This is a celebration of the gift of friendship and the blessed feelings of just knowing that you, my friend, are there in my heart. From my heart to yours. ~Fay Angus~
Libby, my older daughter, loves computers and the Net almost as much as I do. We have had such fun working on homepages together.
She's a wonderful help and a very talented young lady. In addition to being a straight A student, she is very much involved in student government, athletics (basketball and track) and cheerleading. I'm very proud of her many gifts. You can visit her at her link here at Geocities.
Melissa, the youngest of the family, also has a homepage that she designed. Melissa's interests lie in athletics; she plays both AAU and Eagle basketball, and runs track and plays softball as well. She is also captain for the senior cheerleaders (all while maintaining straight A's). Visit her through Geocities!
Susan is my very first "Net Friend". She has an in-home daycare and three boys, so how she finds time to visit and work on her puter, I'll never know. These pages would never have gotten made without her love, encouragement, and priceless help. Susan's site is one of the best I've seen yet.
Tiffany is another old Net friend that I met in the Parents Place when I first started chatting. She is a loving mother, wife, and friend who knows how to add sunshine to my day. Tiffany has set up her own page here at GeoCities, and I am so proud of how fast she has learned. It is darling!
Margo and I became friends through Moms on the Web. We both think being moms is the most important thing we do, and though our children are far apart in age, we share alot of our experiences with one another. I don't know what I would do without her love and support!
Victoria Winters is another longtime net friend; in fact, we've about decided that we're cybertwins! Through Vic, I have met many great people with similar interests. She's a big Dark Shadows fan (what a surprise with that nick!). Victoria is the first of my Net friends that I have actually met in person. We met in Memphis and took our kids to the zoo and Beale Street. We had a fantastic time. She now has her homepage up and running, so be sure to drop by for a visit! You will love her as much as I do!
Colin, is an old friend from Down Under I met through GeoCities. He's got a great sense of humor and is truly a delight to know! Col enjoys line dancing and knows all about computers. I really look forward to our *visits!* Perhaps someday we'll get to meet in person!
Mark, is someone I've met through our mutual interest in the Princess of Wales. But as I have come to know him, I have found that he and his wife Ellen have a deep love and compassion for cats, which makes them very special in my book! They are trying to establish a "foster home" for our furry friends--a wonderful thing to do! Be sure to visit their personal homepage!