Conrick & Kinderhorn Elkhounds

Raider BIS

Raider wins BIS South Yorkshire Hound Society 6/12/2008!
Thanks to Jacqui and Zhaan
for this lovely artwork

Raider June 2007

Our pride and joy!
Ch. Kinderhorn Dain of Conrick JW ShCM

Pups running riot

A litter was born on 9th March from Raider and Bowerhinton Better Behave.
Please see the Puppies Page

You can visit the webpage of Zhaan, one of Raider's granddaughters.

Maureen and Stuart Horner of the Kinderhorn Elkhounds and Vanessa McHugh of the Conrick Elkhounds live near Derbyshire's beautiful Peak District.

pawMeet our family!

Now you've met us, meet our dogs!

The Show Team A fun shot of our current Show Team. This relaxed photo was taken in June 2007. The dogs had just come back from a show and had spent an hour running round a friend's paddock - they had really been enjoying themselves! From front to back, Minnie, Raider and Ekko. Our oldest veteran bitch, Spooky, may join us on our outings from time to time.
The brother and sister, Minnie at the front and Raider at the back. They are so alike that it is often difficult to tell them apart if only their faces are showing. Raider and Minnie
Kinderhorn Elkhounds Some of our dogs from the past - Ch. Kinderhorn Brann (Seb), Ch. Axon Dordi of Kinderhorn (Dordi, Seb's daughter), Ch. Oseberg Astra (Azzi), Taroscken Tina (Tara, Seb's mum) and Cassie of Kinderhorn (Scuti, Azzi's daughter).
Maureen Horner and the Kinderhorn Elkhounds. From left to right, Trygg, Minnie and Lizzie. Our dogs remain with us for life, as they are very much family members. Moe and the Kinderhorns

Raider won the Thingvollr Variety Trophy for winning the most points in Varieties in 2008

Our dogs' pages

Tara's page pawAzzi's page pawSeb's page
pawDordi's page pawTrygg's page pawLizzie's page
pawMinnie's page pawRoo's page pawSpooky's page
pawRaider's page pawEkko's page pawLinks & credits
pawPhoto gallery pawPuppies

Contact us!

Vanessa McHugh (Conrick)
Maureen and Stuart Horner (Kinderhorn)

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