Well here we are on the world wide web.....the "girls", as I call them are what makes my world go around. The treasures of my life...I look at them and know that my life counted for something really special. What more could one ask.
There are a few pictures of me on here also at various stages of my life.....wow!!! where did all of the years go.
I will start with a picture of the two people who brought these things about and go from there.
My oldest and a soon to be mother for the first time.Up date: she is now mother..as of today 4-14-98. See Megan below. She and I sort of grew up together. She has been married for several years now but lives within a short drive from me.
Angie is the next to the oldest. She was married for several years and is the mother of my first grandchild. After having lived away for sometime she now lives within a few minutes of me.
Stephanie is the baby of the three and still lives at home with "momma". She goes to forestry school and loves it. Which was a complete surprise to me.
What more can I say ....a picture is worth a thousand words. She is the first grandchild and is now five years old...seems just like the other day that she was a wee babe.
This is Megan about 6 weeks old...she is growing quickly and naturally everyone is doing their best to spoil her . She gets alot of attention and LOVE.
Well as you can see, things did change, and I am now the sum total of my life's experiences. The years have passed swiftly and I am still trying to figure out what I did with all of that time and where it went to.
JULY 1,1943-MAY 4,1991
My husband of 25 1/2 years and the father of my daughters.
Links to My Other Pages
Tennessee RootsIrvine,Moran,Rogers,Harris,Hawkins
Pictures of Tennessee AncestorsIrvine,Moran,Rogers,Hawkins and others
Ladies from Tennessee
Weakley Co. Tn. Courthouse
Britt,Futrell,Odom Page
Ray Pictures
Ray page
Fee,Willis,Strother Page and Pictures
Links Page #1Links to music,card,graphics and other sites
Something Special
What it really is all about
Stanley FamilyMy children's relatives
Our Place From a different perspective
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