

Volodata hébergement de site web à Montréa

Sponsors sur Internet

Adgrafix : (France) Hébergement virtuel. Le programme, réservé aux sites francophones, offre 0,12 F par clic. Il offre aussi 4 autres niveaux de rémunération. Le seuil de paiement est de 500 francs. Mode de rémunération : Au clic, Jusqu'à 12 centimes par clic. : Le meilleur site traitant de la publicité rémunérée : Rentabilisez vos connexions et votre site !

CLICKAGENTS : De 10 à 20 cent u.s. par clics. Ils n'acceptent pas tous les sites.

CLICKPARTNER : ClickPartner est un répertoire des programmes d'affiliation. Pour choisir entre tous les services offerts, consultez le répertoire.

CLICKTRADE : ClickTrade est un des nombreux services du LinkExchange, il vous offre un systême pour sponsoriser votre site.

Rseau publicitaire DclicNet


Comission Junction : Un site américain avec beaucoup de choix.

Declinet : Quand une personne clique sur une publicite de votre site, vous gagnez mimimum 7 cents (canadien). Serveur canadien et il paye bien. Remplissez le formulaire du site et vous obtiendrez les memes publicites que celle qui sont affichées en haut de cette page.

E-ADS : E-ads paye 10 cent u.s. par clic. Vous pouvez vous enregistrer et être rémunéré pour les clics sur les bannières affichées.

LinkShare-Get Your Share!: Un choix de marchand selon un répertoire. LinkShare propose un programme de commissions sur les ventes en provenance de votre site.

85 x 25 v2

Recomend-it :Un endoit avec des liens pour les sponsors avec statistiques.

Reporting net :Un endoit avec des liens pour les sponsors tels que Alatvista, Ask Jeeves et Goto.

Webcity : Quand une personne clique sur l'outils de recherche sur votre votre site, vous gagnez 5 cents (canadien). Il paye bien.

Paid To Click.NET - Webmasters, we provide hits. Place your sponsors pay-per-click ad on our website for massive hits. Clickthru's as low as 3 cents/click. Get hits for your website or for your sponsors ad.

Nouvelle Jolywood

AltaVista met en place un nouveau programme de partenariat

AltaVista vient de lancer un nouveau programme de partenariat qui marque une modification de sa stratégie de développement. Les site affiliés au Réseau affilié AltaVista (Affiliate Network) pourront proposer gratuitement dans leurs pages les services de recherche, la traduction et les cotes de la Bourse.

AltaVista donnera aux sites les codes HTML pour qu'ils puissent installer les outils, comme l'engin de recherches dans leurs pages. Les résultats seront donnés, et comptabilisés, sur le site d'AltaVista. Le portail, une propriété de CMGI, envisage en plus de payer les sites 3 sous (US) pour chaque usager qui leur sera envoyé. AltaVista estime quil aura plus de 10à000 partenaires à la fin février. Pour le moment, environ 2000 sites ont demandé à participer. Les partenaires auront aussi accès gratuitement à certaines données sur le trafic et les visites. La direction a annoncé que le portail se spécialisera dans les domaines de la recherche, de linformation commerciale et du commerce électronique.


Cyber Bounty - "Supplying the net with quality sponsors". Cyber Bounty is a very reliable service. They also run mailing list and internet magazine advertising. Some webmasters are really earning over $1000 a week! You can choose from a variety of banner adverts and buttons for each different offer. The sweepstakes offers mork particularly well. Ideal for using in your newsletters as an extra.

Bach Systems - Bach Systems uses pay per lead advertising to earn you money. You choose which programs you host on your website. Very similar to Cyber Bounty although Bach Systems will host adverts for you. Live click through statistics are available via the control panel that you will get. It takes around 1 week to get registered with them. After that they report every week with your earnings.

Exchange-It - A very good banner exchange service that delivers impressions on time, every time. You can even purchase more impressions. They offer real time click stats and the chance to earn bonus credits for every person that clicks on a banner. This service works best if you place a banner on every page of your site.

Button Exchange - If you have spend ages designing your website you will want it promoting but the last thing you want is a big ugly banner on your site. Here is your answer to this problem, the Button Exchange offers a small 88 X 31 Pixel exchange. This neat and tidy alternative has already took the net by storm and looks far better than banner exchanges. Look out banner adverts. You can upload new buttons as you wish and check live stats.

Adcycle - Free advertising software as used by (a search engine for those who don't know!). Adcycle allows you to rotate 5 banners/buttons around your website. Excellent for starting up your own advertising campaign! You can even select how many impressions you want for each advert. This will make your work a whole lot easier.

Value Click - The Pay for Results Advertising Network. They are now paying 12 cents per click for their basic account. If you have higher traffic then you should consider some of their other services. Their premium account offers 25 cents per click.

Burst Media - Designed for the medium traffic website. Burst Media have a professional approach to advertising and you shouldn't really approach them until you have established your site. They offer interactive style banner adverts with form fields and drop down boxes. These usually result in higher click rates. Websponsors is one of the net's most popular banner affiliate services. Once you have signed up all you do is insert a small HTML code on your site. They recommend that you have at least 500 visitors a day, but they will make exeptions for good sites. You will get a personalised username and password that you can use to check earnings and clicks. Checks are sent out at the end of every month provided you have reached a certain amount of money. If you don't the amount is carried over to the next month. US and Canada residents only.

DirectLeads Direct Leads offers either pay per click or pay per lead. They are a good reliable service that usually pay out on time. Direct Leads have a good selection of click-per-lead offers. Some paying more than others. They also offer a unique banner rotator that will stop your adverts beoming stale.

Penny Web - Claims to pay 25 Cents per click. They tell you to add the HTML code before they even see your site! Very strange, what if your site had nothing on it?!

Safe Audit - Not a bad banner program to start off with. They are not the best banner company in the world but most of their affiliates are happy. Your banner will have a text link advertising Safe Audit. If you are nifty with the HTML this can be removed.

Link Exchange - The most popular banner exchange on the net is probabally the worst. We found that they take over 2 weeks to activate your banner and are then late on sending you impressions! Your best bet is to use Exchange-It. See below.

Smart Clicks - Very similar to Link Exchange. We found that the quality of banners delivered were very poor. On the whole, this service is very reliable and the personal administration panel was second to none!

Banner Swap - Offers a 2:1 ratio. Not one of the best banner exchanges in the world. We recommend you try one of the other banner servicies first!

Net-On Banner Exchange - This service offers detailed statistics regarding your banner campaign. We found that their banners got stale very quickly. We tried this one out and had flower shop adverts. Not what you want to a free stuff site!

123 Banners - You will get one banner exposure on another members site for every two banners you show. Works best when you promote their service en-mass.

Mid Mart - A solid free banner exchange.

4 for 5 Banner Exchanges - Free Banner Exchange. Join this free banner exchange and earn 1 exposure for each page visited, plus, earn 15 additional exposures for each click through.

Francité :

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