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Analysis of Soils at Royal Roads University

by Waterose et. al.




  1. Introduction:
  2. Field Sampling:
  3. 2.1 Sample 1. Gravel Pit Sample:

    2.2 Sample 2. Lower Field Sample:

    2.3 Sample 3. Road Soil Sample:

  4. Laboratory Analysis:

  5. 3.1 Overview of Laboratory Analysis:

    3.2 Soil pH Analysis:

    3.3 Sieve Analysis:

    3.4 Hydrometer Analysis:

    3.5 Permeability Analysis:

  6. Soil Classification:

  7. 4.1 Introduction to Soil Classification:

    4.2 Soil Classification:

    4.3 Discussion and Conclusion:

  8. References:

  9. Postscript:


  1. Schedule of Analysis
  2. Results of pH Analysis
  3. Grain Size of Sample 1 by Sieve Analysis
  4. Grain Size of Sample 2 by Sieve Analysis
  5. Summary of Grain Size Types in Sample 1 and Sample 2 by Sieve Analysis
  6. Grain Size of Sample 2 by Hydrometer Analysis
  7. Volume of Output Water Q and Elapsed Time for Permeability Analysis
  8. Calculation of the Coefficient k by Permeability Analysis
  9. Characteristics of Soil Samples Summarized


  1. Map of Field Soil Sample Locations
  2. Geologic History of BC Coastal Mountains
  3. Profile of Soil Horizon for Sample 1 from Gravel Pit
  4. Profile of Soil Horizon for Sample 2 from Lower Field
  5. Graph of Grain Size Gradation Curves by Sieve Analysis
  6. Graph of Grain Size by Hydrometer Analysis
  7. Illustration of Apparatus for Permeability Analysis
  8. Soil Classification Flow Chart

To Section 1. Introduction:


Mailemail Waterose

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