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Analysis of Soils at Royal Roads University

by Waterose et. al.


Section 3. Laboratory Analysis: Tables and Figures

3.1 Overview of Laboratory Analysis:

Table 1. Schedule of Analysis.
Date Activity and Analysis Sample Number
January 23, 1998 Collect Field Samples 1, 2, 3
January 29, 1998 pH
1, 2
1, 2
February 6, 1998 Hydrometer 2
February 13, 1998 Permeability 3

3.2 Soil pH Analysis:

3.2.3 Results of the Soil pH Analysis:

Table 2. Analysis of pH.
Sample Number pH Colour of Indicator
1 6.5 light green
2 6.2 dark yellow green

3.3 Sieve Analysis:

3.3.3 Results of the Sieve Analysis:

Table 3. Grain Size Analysis of Sample 1.
Table 3

Table 4. Grain Size Analysis of Sample 2.

Table 4

Figure 5. Graph of Grain Size Gradation Curves by Sieve Analysis for Sample 1 and Sample 2.

Figure 5

3.3.4 Discussion of the Results of the Sieve Analysis:

Table 5. Summary of Grain Size Types in Sample 1 and Sample 2 by Sieve Analysis.
Description Grain Diameter (mm) Sample 1 Percent Retained Sample 2 Percent Retained
Gravel >4.75 26.6 6.2
Coarse Sand 0.420 to 4.75 34.5 50.4
Fine Sand 0.075 to 0.420 34.5 19.5
Silt and Clay < 0.75 4.4 23.9

3.4 Hydrometer Analysis:

3.4.3 Results of the Hydrometer Analysis:

Table 6. Grain Size of Sample 2 by Hydrometer Analysis.
Time (min) Temp (C) Hyd
Percent Finer Hyd Cor L K D (mm)
0.5 18.4 48 42.5 84 49 8.3 .0138 .0560
1.0 18.4 46 41.5 82 47 8.6 .0138 .0405
1.5 18.4 43 37.5 74 44 9.1 .0138 .0340
2.0 18.4 42 36.5 72 43 9.2 .0138 .0300
2.5 18.4 41 35.5 70 42 9.4 .0138 .0270
3.0 18.4 40 34.5 68 41 9.6 .0138 .0250
3.5 18.4 39 33.5 66 40 9.7 .0138 .0230
4.0 18.4 38 32.5 64 39 9.9 .0138 .0220
9.0 18.4 34 28.5 56 35 10.5 .0138 .0150
15.0 18.4 32 26.5 52 33 10.9 .0138 .0120
30.0 18.4 31 25.5 50 32 11.1 .0138 .0084
60.0 18.4 28 22.5 45 29 11.5 .0138 .0060
120.0 17.1 24 18.3 34 25 12.2 .014 .0044
420.0 17.1 22 16.3 32 23 12.5 .014 .0077
1020.0 16.0 20 14.1 28 21 12.9 .014 .0016
1080.0 17.1 21 15.3 30 22 12.7 .014 .0015
1800.0 17.5 19 13.3 26 20 13.0 .014 .0012

Figure 6. Graph of Grain Size of Sample 2 by Hydrometer Analysis.

Figure 6

3.5 Permeability Analysis:

3.5.2 Methods and Procedures:

Figure 7. Illustration of the Apparatus for the Permeability Analysis.

Figure 7

3.5.3 Results of the Permeability Analysis:

Table 7. The Volume of Output Water "Q" and Elapsed Time for Three Permeability Tests.
Test Trial No. Volume of Water (mL) Time (minutes)
1 80.0 15
2 70.0 15
3 52.0 15
Note: The average Q was calculated to be 67.3 mL per 15 minutes.

Table 8. Calculation of the Permeability Coefficient "k" of the Soil Tested.

Q (mL/min) Height of head "h" (cm) Length of sample "l" (cm) Cross sectional area "A" (cm2) Permeability constant k (cm/sec)
67.3 32.0 13.2 31.65 0.0128
Note: From the Darcy's Equation Q=kAh/l


  1. Introduction:
  2. Field Sampling:
  3. Laboratory Analysis:
  4. Soil Classification:
  5. References:
  6. Postscript:
  7. Tables and Figures


Mailemail Waterose

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