D2M at home - Year 8 V6.1

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Year 8 Volume 6 Edition 1

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.... The continuing saga that has become known as Family News is here again. This is somewhat of a mini-series covering past/present/recent events in and around the house. This is one page of several others that "getting better as we go" keeps you up to speed of events around here. The idea that this may appear as a monthly thing is false. It is written when the weather keeps me indoors or when the notion strikes me. Remember this is not only for those far away but for those of us who have a moments to spend during the day when reading is much better. Take a moment to write and let us know events unfolding at your end.

For all you folks at home, want to know when a new page to the saga is added? Goto the feedback page and let the machine know by clicking on the little box/button and push submit. Don't think for a minute you will get an immediate reply, I write this as the notion peaks and it's by no means monthly. Make your mark here.

Before It's like reading old newspapers, "It's News to Me" After

Karin's world
20040110 - New job and new car!

It seemed a small time ago in this space I mentioned a new car, since then there has been another new car. Our work has expanded to other pursuits and working out well.

(Mount Royal)

Sherri's world
20040110 - Many things have occurred since last time!

Car stories are plentiful time after time. We have a multi-level relationship with our automotive friends. Work to work is a common battle cry, add to that Decidedly Jazz Dance Works and she makes out to be very busy.

(The Bay)

Carolyn's world
20040110 - News seems to be lacking over the last year or so!

Seasonal visits to the cardiologist / electrophysiologist / professor of medicine / head of his dept [what ever else he does] has been good over the last year or so. Close to 15 years (give or take a few) to get to the point where health has become a secondary topic of conversation. Don't get me wrong it still plays a large part of everyday conversation however it takes a very long time to suddenly adjust to daily life as it is now.

Kitchen reno is still a novelty and she is enjoying it to the limit.

There are fewer priorities than fine health.


Don's world
The brain storming continues...

20040110 - What has happened over the last year to keep me away from this? I am having trouble locating a starting point, suffice to say that I have been busy with work.

Seldom is there time lately to write here or otherwise. As I sit here now I find that I could ramble on and bore you to tears. Let's mention that at the home office there are just two of us now and we are wallowing in the bliss. I know that from advise and warnings from friends this "empty nest" feeling may last for a short time however knowing this we are experiencing it to the max.

20040111 - This year might include reno's to the garage or laundry room. So much to do and where to begin? Last year we completed the painting and minor reno to all bedrooms and updated the paint in bathrooms. Whew!

Christmas past was exciting, I asked Santa for a new sander and received a spanking new fancy beast. Also from the company atta boy plan I got a spanking new Skil saw (wore out the others).

20040110 - Technology Gloat of the Month: 7 port USB hub. Santa was very good to me this year.

Nope, I'm not going to talk about the TELUS stock circling the drain lately. It should be in the $50 range however it is still not yet $30.

The House
The fan keeps us cool...
20040110 - The 7RP (70's Renovation Project) is complete in the kitchen, bathrooms, bedrooms & soon in the laundry room!

If you have or about to have an idea of painting several rooms in your house and may replace the carpet may I suggest to spray the paint. This my friends is the way to go, period. The cloud of paint will subside and when it does you instantly have a room painted before your eyes. I have some advise, sand and fill of course but when this is done SAND everything before painting. The idea here is the paint will be very flat and smooth and any imperfections will show up later. The darker the paint (current fad) will show perhaps more flaws than a lighter color, this has yet to be proven.

We are waiting and standing by to solve another house (reno) emergency.


The above URL points to the old AGT server which I am going to try & squeeze some space into it.

To be continued...

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edited: 20040113

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D2M © 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 MacMcLellan A graduate of Curmudgeon Emeritus.