the D2M House - September '99 Edition
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.... Once again the continuing saga that is Family News This is somewhat of a mini-series covering past/present/recent events in and around the house for a tenth time.
Karin's world 990901 - As we begin this season Karin has become a full time student at Mount Royal for the fall semester. Her courses are going to be fairly heavy but she will do fine. 990913 - College is under way and I think the anticipation of it was wearing her nerves thin. She survived.
Sherri's world 990903 - The cats and work are keeping Sherri busy. With two jobs (Snap-on tools & Eaton's) at the moment she still finds some time to mess up her room and visit the beasts. You know the story around the beasts. 990910 - Whaahoo, my garage will be usable once again. A stroke of luck with a co-worker in finding a different apartment has left Sherri with a new home for her & beasts. Whether this is closer to the office is yet to be known but it is not much further. I think the big moving day might happen near month end.
Carolyn's world 990901 - With some contact with the doctors and time she is coming alone fine. There are days where she has the energy to "leap tall buildings" and just as quick she has days where getting dressed is work.
990905 - New car is great.
Don's world 990904 - After having most of August off for vacation and then a 4 day course I will have to reintroduce myself to work. Not that I really want to get into work, it's something that will be forced upon me. :) Debt Propelled, you know.
The House The fan keeps us cool... This summer was not all that warm but nay you say, except for a few days it was very warm and uncomfortable. Earlier in the summer the bugs were thick, for this reason alone I pray for autumn. 990913 - It's been bliss, I am one of those sic people that likes it just a bit cooler than frying eggs on the sidewalk temperature. The daytime 65 - 70 F is just right, mind you the over night temperature gets a bit chilly.
To be continued...
D2M © 1997 1998 1999 MacMcLellan A graduate of Curmudgeon Emeritus.