D2M at home - V3 Edition 2

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the D2M House - March 2001 (Volume 3 Edition 2)

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.... The continuing saga that has become known as Family News is here again. This is somewhat of a mini-series covering past/present/recent events in and around the house. This is one page of several others that "getting better as we go" keeps you up to speed of events around here. The idea that this may appear as a monthly thing is false. It is written when the weather keeps me indoors or when the notion strikes me. Remember this is not only for those far away but for those of us who have a moments to spend during the day when reading is much better. Take a moment to write and let us know events unfolding at your end.

Before It's like reading old newspapers, "It's News to Me" After

Karin's world
20010301 - The girls have made Pub Crawling an art form. Green beer day is not being ignored.

20010315 - Whaaddaya think about this Napster thing? Other file archives/directories I'm sure will live, the recording industry has a lot of work on their hands if they want to stop it. It (the recording industry, RIAA. et al) might be too late to join the world and embrace the instant spread of music. They will "tax" it to death.

(Mount Royal)

Sherri's world
20010301 - Another Pub Crawler, thankfully a paid designated driver is at the helm. Ya got to hand it to the girls, go and party and yet someone else drives from place to place each time arriving in a $100,000 vehicle. You have to ignore the fact the vehicle has a bus company logo on the side of it....

(Snap-on tools)

Carolyn's world
20010316 - Again, the old adage, "take care" are very profound words indeed. These two words have several meanings that apply to each day without notice how ever you define the journey.
Just to keep the health story interesting Mrs. M has had not one but two root canal sessions done. The theives at the place they call the dentist office are once again able to keep their villas in far off lands, thanks to us. For you kids at home it's about $1000 per hour to stay in the chair at the endodontist. Makes you not want to go! Tell me, which pain is worse?

The institute (of higher learning) is good and bad. The institute is alright, it's the frequency of the visits. Lately 4 days per week might be pushing it, but she is a trooper and although I am worried that this might still be premature to go this often. The pay stub is a concern yet to sacrifice ones health it is a no brainer. I know you can relate to this but we must come to realize that to take the small step toward recovery you have to put up with a bit of discomfort.


Don's world
20010318 - Last time did I mention a new G4 is the newest member of the family? Not a new but a spanking new G4! The 466MHz G4. After a bit of pesky trouble with monitor things such as the USB port failure we are looking and feeling pretty much at home now.

I still have speed shock and although the new chair has helped with taking a deep relaxing breath before turning it on helps. My gawd it's quick. The ad's saying supercomputer are not wrong, I have testimony on my desk. The family tree project re-calculates and presents itself in under a minute, sadly before it was over an hour to do the same and I was happy then. Words are not available to describe the emotions now.

20010318 - Technology Gloat of the Month: Proud owner of a AppleTalk Bridge! (this is a gadget to bridge AppleTalk/LocalTalk to Ethernet) Some would say legacy technology, but I say show me something better!

For those at the phone company, check out our new web space for the Transmission department: "http://network.tsl.telus.com/transmission"
The {expletive deleted} DOS box world of the beloved employer has a weekly failure and I have had to redesign the site. New colors and style are now at a screen near you. ;(
Oh, I love DOS boxes! The mind boggles at the millions of people that would be without direction if the world had said to heck with Bill's goofy software. Do you ever think we will see the day that this stuff works as advertised?
20010321 - Later on this site look for my pending psychological assessment. I must have my head examined because I have done something very foolish, I asked the phone company to get us some waffle irons (read - DOS box laptops). I realize I must have slipped into a coma and awoke to remembering a terrible dream, on my desktop was a pseudo business case asking for a DOS pizza box. Tell me, is there a cure for this kind of mental state?

The House
The fan keeps us cool...
20010126 - The 7RP (70's Renovation Project) is alive once again. I mentioned last time the reno in the lower level has started us off in directions we are entering with renewed regal.
Time has come to not set aside or ignore the small details that have been nagging me for some time. The "Job Jar" has been emptied of yet another pesky task of caulking the tub and shower. No, not just do it for the first time, nope, it's redo it for the second time (or maybe it's the third, just a minute now it might be second downstairs and third upstairs). Most home owners will agree with me when I say that houses are large boxes that can never be filled with time and money, agreed. This caulking job has it's roots in the fact I/we spruced up the flooring in both bathrooms and it was only time before the "designed deteriation" of the seal has to be replaced. What this has to do with the floor has me puzzled to this day but it was done just the same. Left to it's own it will seek out and become laden with a fungal growth with remarkable speed. We have noticed that what ever the label says on the tube of caulking it is a lie, used car salesmen have adversaries in the silicone business. However many times you shop for this kind of product do you notice that each and every one says it will "prohibit" or "prevent" the spread and growth of such nasty things as fungus, horsefeathers I say. This wee bacteria becomes one with the rubber substance, they blend into a semi-permanent state of reminder, a reminder to shop for a different one the next time (now if I can only remember which one I bought to avoid it next time).
Don't get me wrong, the house was not over run with "Outer Limits" grade beings from the dark under world of dank slime, just a couple of grey spots that did not go away with Windex.
One good thing that has come of the reno in the basement, the former Hi-Fi area has been turned into scrap wood inventory and parts of it became shelves for surround sound speakers. Now if you are looking for one way to excite and renew movie watching and get bonus points at the same time, get your speakers up and into the air. Trust me on this one. Get the popcorn ready, reserve your chair, put the DVD on 5.1, turn it up loud and get ready for a ride. Sony has an active powered sub-woofer that gets your animal instincts going to places not seen before.

We are waiting and standing by to solve another house (reno) emergency.


To be continued...

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edited: 20010702

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