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Family Tree Survey INTRO

Family History Survey Introduction  

Send a note direct to The author

get in touch ICQ #6541622

With only your help can the project become an informative and thorough project. Some information maybe interpreted as very personal and private. Please complete any or all fields as you feel comfortable. Don't fret about whether something has been sent already, any information is good information. All information will be treated with the utmost care & regard, please read the information at the bottom of the page. It is included on THIS page separately to save paper, if you complete the forms for someone else ensure they read this to assure any other respondants my intentions. Of course your concerns should be known and never hesitate to contact me if ANY concern should arise.

It is my sincere hope that we can put together a comprehensive and informative family tree project. I have slipped a few times and called it a study. Don't get me wrong it is not a science experiment nor is it a social studies quiz. When I looked at an early version it looked more like an income tax form, AAAAAAhhh. When I realized what it resembled I changed the colors immediately.
On completion use the SUBMIT button to eMail the form to me directly. Compiled information will be entered to the master dBase. The form is composed as an eMail message within your browser to be mailed to me. A slight delay will be evident as it is send to me when you click the SUBMIT button. This is expected. The eMail message has the information you supplied with small leaders before each tidbit of information. If you are worried about security of the information supplied DO NOT send the form, contact me and we will use another method.

Please refer to the information page before starting. Which is likely where you just came from, but if not this should be read first.

1997 © D2M.

Due to the size required to write the survey as plain as possible and to keep the file size to a minimum, the survey is in TWO parts.
In a nutshell the first part is personal details about you, and the second asks more about your loved ones.

If you are printing the survey to paper and distributing it to those who wish a paper version, please let me know and I can compile a version of this nature from the master data base. It will have some fields entered and will be on a single sheet of paper. Much easier to read and enjoy.

Survey parts

  1. Hints at the information page.
  2. The first page of the survey starts here
  3. If you have children by you or your spouse please complete the second page of the survey.
  4. The survey will make sense once you get into it.

MORE about the information supplied:

How it started, THE REAL REASON:

Let us begin PART ONE

If you see anything that could be of interest to the rest of us, pass it on.

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