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You are here: Victoria's Dance Secrets  >  ABCs of Dance  >  Proper Breathing


sildancers.gif (3963 bytes)We have always assumed we know how to breathe properly, for if we did not, then we wouldn’t be alive. Right? Not quite. 
       The average person uses such a small part of the lung capacity that it is a wonder that we have any energy at all. In Yoga, breathing exercises are emphasized to “clear the lungs” of stale air, to renew strength and energy, and to develop a rhythm in movement. 
       How does proper breathing affect our dancing? Try this exercise and see if you can spot the difference. 

    Lift the rib cage. Press the top of the head toward the ceiling. Exhale every bit of breath that you can squeeze out. Then inhale very slowly. 
           Now, put on some music ... any music.  Exhale on the  first 4 beats of music, then inhale on the next four beats. 
           Move your body to the music,  dance. As you dance to the music, breathe  in for a full measure of 4 counts of music. Breathe out for the next four counts of music. Continue to dance, reathing slowly and deeply in time with the music. 

           Now, put on some music ... any music.  Exhale on the  first 4 beats of music, then inhale on the next four beats. 
           Move your body to the music,  dance. As you dance to the music, breathe  in for a full measure of 4 counts of music. Breathe out for the next four counts of music. Continue to dance, breathing slowly and deeply in time with the music. 

  1       2 
IN      IN 
  3      4 
IN     IN
  5       6 
  7       8 

       Together with pulsing, practice of breathing exercises will reward you well with increased endurance, a feeling of buoyancy, and a feeling of connection with the music. 
       Use various types of music as you practice this exercise everyday. 
       When you become proficient in your breathing, you will be able to breathe in for a full 8 counts, and breathe out for another 8 counts. You will be amazed at the increase in energy and endurance. 
       Breathing exercises are particularly helpful to the non-stop ballroom dancers, who wish to dance every set during their five hours stay in the ballroom outlet. Dance instructors are also well advised to consider these exercises seriously to maintain high energy levels while teaching guests.

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