Bull Elk Battle picture by Lee Snipes



Image of the month

It is a known fact that everyone will have a different opinion on which image is the best.
I am not trying to pick the best image, but picking an image that I personally liked.
I am sure that we will all agree on the fact that this is an excellent image!



June 1999 by Roger Roberts

rr_ycnheron.jpg (38667 bytes)


The Way It Was

A couple of years ago I was working the late night shift for awhile. On the way home one morning I drove by a small lake. I was checking to see which kinds of ducks were still in the area when I spotted this odd looking bird. It was walking along the waters edge looking for food. The bad thing this morning was I didn't have my camera with me. The next three mornings I took my camera gear back to the same area. First two mornings had no luck at all but on the third day there it was in the same place.

This lake (Bachman Lake)is right in the middle of Dallas at the end of the runway of Dallas Love Field Airport. There I was shooting half a roll of film with jets taking off and landing overhead and it acted like I wasn't there.

Shot with a Minolta 9000,Sigma 400 Telephoto,Velvia at ISO 40.      ---Roger Roberts



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