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OOOH what a shite logo. Well thank you very much
Here are some more time wasting pieces of crap for you to waste your life on, only realising when you're old and infirm, what a pathetic life you must have led, to even think about being here...... Have a nice day!"
Band members
Angela Slater
Jon Trowbridge
Jamie Trowbridge
Marcus Kaye
Matt King
Enter the world of the strange 
Other things of no interest or real content
Hear Pat Butcher's
View the celebrity hall of shame

The band

Turn back now before it's too late

This is probably the most sinister page you will ever come across on the web. Here you will find scenes of depravity you never thought existed, Poisoning your mind with pictures that will make your skin crawl, your bowels give way, and will give you more nightmares than even the most disgusting of freakish ghouls (like the Krankees, Cannon and Ball, Bobby Davro, and the dark lord of them all Shane Richie) Removing all traces of sanity from your quivering body, replacing it with dullness of such magnitude, as to be comparable to that of such bastions of the bore as Les Dennis, Chas and Dave, and lest we forget the terrifying Cilla Black AAAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!
That's right, you've found your way onto the ORIGIN personnel page! But that's not all, because we have also integrated our Celebrity hall of shame page, which is aimed at sending a chill up the spine of anyone looking for good entertainment in this world. On this page you will find people who have committed crimes against humanity with their lack of wit, entertaining ability, and all round cackness, that only the worst possible "entertainers" can achieve.
As well as this (and slightly less importantly),you can also find out information on the Acid Skiffle heavy thrash techno acid country and new wave alternative funk classical band we all know and love as Origin
Choose your destiny
Angela Slater Brought up by a troupe of Transsexual dancing beavers, Angela has a lot to offer the Bestiality/small-animals-in-drag fan, and travelling salesmen up and down the country
Jamie Trowbridge Jamie was brought up in a small scientific research centre, Somewhere in the Midlands, where he was hand reared after his mother, Poot Poot the bottle nose dolphin, accidentally ate his father, Lord Poncenby Wankjob Fortinbrass III, as they enjoyed a night of Sexual Backgammon® in a bath of soothing Peruvian dog's piss
Jon Trowbridge Jon, the half-mole-half-vampire singer of the band was adopted by Jamie at the age of nine, although this has not stopped him from
Marcus Kaye Marcus' formative years were spent locked away in a cupboard underneath the stairs of well known WWF wrestler Hulk Hogan. It was there that Marcus learnt how to grow amazingly unfeasible facial hair, rip his shirts up in a macho and scary fashion, and become a proficient player of the Skinflute (also known as the belly trombone)
Matt King Matt, a veteran from 'nam (that's Dagenham, not Vietnam),is no stranger to the wonderful world of fame and fortune having been a regular porn star in such moving classics as Porn on the fourth of july, Honey I humped the kids  and his most successful film to date,
Pat Butcher's "Beefcake"

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If you steal, misappropriate, pinch, or otherwise rape this homepage, we will come down on you harder than a veteran porn queen, and will probably cause you great physical harm as well
Or unless you're really hard, in which case, take whatever you want