Jamie Trowbridge - Serial killer 
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Jon Trowbridge
Jamie Trowbridge
Marcus Kaye
Matt King
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Jamie Trowbridge


Age:  18
Job:  Jamie was brought up in a small scientific research centre, Somewhere in the Midlands, where he was hand reared after his mother, Poot Poot the bottle nose dolphin, accidentally ate his father, Lord Poncenby Wankjob Fortinbrass III, as they enjoyed a night of Sexual Backgammon® in a bath of soothing Peruvian dog's piss. This traumatic experience left Jamie rolling around on the floor with laughter at such chucklesome japes, and started him on the road to become britain's top serial killer, having notched up a staggering 30 killings in his career so far(14 stabbings, 3 vicious cactus rapes, 3 full cavity cementings, and ten deaths due to his inadequate cooking abilities when he used to work at Marcus Kaye's Horn of plenty restaurant). You can see all of Jamie's work at the Tat art gallery in Soho, where all of his killings are tastefully displayed in formaldehyde for your viewing pleasure, which has also put him in good stead to win this year's Turner prize.
Likes: Any form of alcohol (including white spirits, terps, after shave etc. 
Child molesting

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