6) Garlands  War

The group of survivors is on another wild goose chase looking  for Abby's son. They follow up a lead about a man with a boy  called Peter, but it's not him.

The man tells Greg and Jen of a settlement in a large house  called Waterhouse, about 40 miles away. He'd been invited to  join them but declined as he found them intimidating. They'd  had some children there. Greg decides not to get Abby's hopes  up again too soon, and to keep quiet about Waterhouse. However  at camp that night, Jen tells her.

Next morning, they discover that Abby has taken the Land Rover  and gone to find Waterhouse. They decide to stay and await her  return.

When Abby reaches the area, there is a manhunt in progress.  The victim is wounded, and flags Abby down. She picks him up  - the pursuers open fire and hit a tyre but they make their escape.  Abby has no spare tyre, so carries on with the man on foot.

The man is called Jimmy Garland. He is waging a one-man war  with the settlement at Waterhouse, where he used to live. Due  to the sickness, he's inherited the title of the 14th Earl of  Waterhouse, and he's trying to reclaim his estate which was taken  over by the group, led by a man named Knox.

Garland is an ex-explorer and soldier. He is revelling in  the situation, living in a cave deep in the woods, and raiding  the settlement at night for supplies. He takes Abby to the cave  for the night. While she sleeps he goes back to Waterhouse and  steals a Land Rover for her to use.

However, the pursuers have not given up, and manage to track  them to their hideout. They raid the cave while Garland is away,  and take Abby back to the house.

Knox does not mistreat Abby, but Peter is not in the settlement,  which has 21 people. He asks her to help him negotiate with Garland  to stop their war, as he is tired of the raids. He says that  Garland wants to be Lord of the Manor, make the community live  on the estate rather than in the house, and pay rent for the  privilege. He guarantees Garland's safety if she manages to bring  him to the house to talk.

Garland, realising that Abby is in the house, kidnaps a woman  from the settlement as a hostage for an exchange. Knox lets Abby  go. Garland claims he has a less tyrannical plan for the estate  than Knox fears. Abby persuades him to go to the house and talk  to Knox, who promptly double crosses them and takes Garland prisoner.  Abby is made to leave.

Abby sets off, feeling guilty at having led Garland into the  trap. She meets Jen and Greg on the road (they'd decided to go  in search after she hadn't returned the previous day).

Meanwhile, Knox has beaten Garland into showing them where  he has hidden the kidnapped woman. He intends to kill him once  she is released. Luckily, Garland had told Abby of her whereabouts  (a hut by a river). Greg lays an ambush and rescues Garland.

Our group decide to leave the area ASAP, but Garland wants  to stay and fight his war, much to Abby's disappointment!

The Story
Series One
One 1
One 2
One 3
One 4
One 5
One 6
One 7
One 8
One 9
One 10
One 11
One 12
One 13

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