



Base Camp Lodge



Estrella del Chimborazo Lodge - ©Gido Karges


Estrella del Chimborazo

Nestled at the foot of Chimborazo, Ecuador's highest volcano at 6,310 meters, and the furthest point from the center of the earth, is the Estrella del Chimborazo Base Camp.  This camp is the center of our Chimborazo related activities.  Located at 4,000 meters of altitude in the Totorillas Valley which is a protected paramo where llamas and alpacas are bred.   The historical "Tambo de Totorillas" was located on this same spot on the ancient "Camino Real" which united Quito and Guayaquil.  We have reconstructed this Tambo and maintained its original architecture.

Estrella del Chimborazo Lodge - ©Gus Noboa

Lodge Picture Wall - ©Gus Noboa

Adorned with photographs and drawings of Chimborazo's natural history, the cozy refuge is the center of the Base Camp where our clients can rest, eat and acclimatize.  The Camp installations include, in addition to the refuge, bathrooms, hot showers and comfortable individual and double tents for sleeping. Camping is safe given that we have guards that permanently protect the campgrounds and our clients belongings.

The Estrella del Chimborazo is for the exclusive use of EXPEDICIONES ANDINA's guests and it by far the most comfortable and equipped refuge in Ecuador. In addition to the accomodations mentioned, the refuge uses fresh run-off water from Chimborazo for drinking and bathing, and has a full kitchen for proper cooking. The center of the refuge is a generous fire-place which warms the entire refuge and provides solace for achy bodies.

Base Camp Entrance - ©Jose Noboa


The Estrella del Chimborazo is named after a common hummingbird found in the Chimborazo area and it is our emblem.  This is the ideal place to acclimatize and go on excursions, walks and climbs in the area.  Guests have the opportunity to see llamas and alpacas up close as they graze and frolick in the camp surroundings.   EXPEDICIONES ANDINAS is working to re-introduce these animals to the valley where they once were numerous.

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Expediciones Andinas
P.O. Box 66
Riobamba - Ecuador
Phone: +593-3-964915   •   Fax +593-3-969604
U.S. Phone: (703) 354-5343  •  Fax (703) 354-6404
e-mail: expand@altavista.net

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