

Mountains of Ecuador



After more than 30 years of expeditions to the mountains and volcanoes of Ecuador, Marco Cruz has recorded his experiences in a series of manuscripts and photographs, (more than 20.000) which have made possible the publication of his book Mountains of Ecuador

This masterpiece is a compilation of his fabulous material and is available in Spanish and English.

Most of the pictures in our web site come from this book.  If you would like to see the rest of this wonderful collection you can buy the book directly from us.

The actual size of this hardcover book is 9.5 x 12.5 inches and has 175 full color pages.   The book is autographed by Marco Cruz and the price is $40 per copy.

If you want to place an order please e-mail us to request an order form.

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Expediciones Andinas
P.O. Box 66
Riobamba - Ecuador
Phone: +593-3-964915   •   Fax +593-3-969604
U.S. Phone: (703) 354-5343  •  Fax (703) 354-6404
e-mail: expand@altavista.net

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