For most of the African leg, I travelled with a UK based overland company called
Kumuka on their 10 week Grand African Explorer, which they have since discontinued - I take no blame! After 2 days
on my own in Nairobi we departed on the 12th July 1999 following
the route marked on the map opposite. Overland companies are not usually the way I travel, I prefer
to simply arrive somewhere and make my own way around. However, even though my orginal reason
for taking such a package disappeared, I was happy not to be alone for all that time. The countries covered were : I arrived in Harare at the end of the trip and had almost a week to chill out before heading back to London. Unfortunatly the week I had in London before heading on was anything but relaxing. |
Want to read what I made out of the place? Check out my African Overview.