Throughout the existence of Legends, we have had some very good storylines. However, I agree with the residents that there aren't enough of them. Also, I feel that many (not all) of the STs have not been as active as they should be. And, currently, we have several STs that are seriously overworked and this has to change, because it is not fair to the STs that *do* work. In the past, the hca have had to deal with these problems as well as deal with regular staff issues, etc. Because the hca can't possibly handle all issues and be able to give each issue 100%, I consulted with staff and ressies in attempts to reach a solution. The result is this:
A Council formed *strictly* for dealing *only* with RP and ST issues. The council is: Amano, Simon, and Mortis. They will:
1. They will make sure that we have storylines (enough for each game.. not that it has to be a ton.. but enough so that ppl dont feel left out cause the storylines are too restricted). Also, they will all know which ST specializes in what games. That way, they can talk to the right STs about storylines. Don't think I mean that the council will have to create the storylines all themselves. They will make sure that ALL STs contribute to storylines, etc.
2. They will also handle problems over RPs AND will help deal with ST - admin relations. NOTE: ANY decisions made over a questionable RP will be made with a vote, majority rules.
3. They will be responsible for enforcing the rules regarding ST participation and behavior. Enforcing will include anything from a warning to suspension to deprivving. The main rules include:
-Creation and leading of a sufficient number of storylines
-No ST should be the storyteller for any rp in which said ST's PC is involved in. If there are no other STs available, the ST either should remove his/her PC from the action or postpone the RP until an impartial ST is present.
-Most importantly, being available to help the residents.
4. Clarify any and all rules regarding RP and STs. This includes any changes or alterations made on the White Wolf rules, as well as the rules that we decide to enforce. This process will involve discussion with the other STs as well as the ressies so that the Council can base their choices on the feedback they received from the ressies and staffers. The agreed upon rules will be posted as part of these web pages in order to prevent *any* future confusion over what rules we follow and what rules we do not.
5. Hold rountine open forums in which the residents have the opportunity to express their opinions and suggestions. This will allow the residents and the STs to create storylines suiting their RPing needs. It will also allow for any problems to be openly addressed and dealt with. These forums will be logged and mailed to others that were not present, should they request it.
6. Any other various responsibilities and duties concerning STs and RPs that may arise.