We are set in the city-state of Venice, 1199. During this time many things are different than today's society. The caste system is heavy here, mortals using it to an extreme. Kindred use it as well, having princes who rule areas. These areas might be as small as a single manor, and its lands to as large as a great city, and its adjoining fiefs. The masquerade hasn't been widely accepted yet, most kindred follow a loose one, but others do go on as "little gods."
Things are very simple, every person exists to live and fear the church. Women in this time period were treated badly by the mortals. Also, mortal women were *not* fighters or leaders or strong intellectuals. This may be more common among women vampires and the like.. but most likely, a neonate woman vampire is not going to be that much different than a mortal woman.
Current Rulers:
- Doge: We are looking for a new Doge character...
- Pope: Innocent III
- Holy Roman Emperor: Otto IV
- Ruler of the Byzantine Empire: Alexius III
- King of England: Richard the Lionhearted
- King of France: Philip II Augustus
- King of Aragon: Peter II
- King of Castille: Alfonso VIII
- King of Portugal: Sancho I
- King of Hungary: Imre
- King of Serbia: Stephen I
- King of Denmark: Canute IV
The way time is handled on Legends is on a night-to-night basis. Therefore, if the date is May 17th in real life, it is likewise May 17th, 1199. If you need to Role-Play a daytime scene, please consult a Story Teller or notify the other players you wish to incorporate into your scene. Handling the timeline in this way, our setting will always be exactly 800 years in the