Year End '05

(thanks to our friend Wes for taking this picture)

Our year in review:

2005 was filled with many small milestones but no big news. And let's face it, our lives are pretty good, so there's no big news required.

Chris and I are both in the same jobs as last year, and both pretty happy there. Ironically, after many years of no business travel for either of us, we each had three business trips this past year. All of Chris's trips coincided with record snow fall. Although it's unlikely that Chris's travel is a reliable weather predictor, you may want to get your snow blower tuned up in time for his next trip starting on January 22.

Chris and I are both singing with various choruses. Not as much as we'd like but not more than we want to be away from Evan. Given that we can't be two places at once, I think we have a pretty good balance.

Evan continues to be a source of wonder. He's talking a lot and is starting to be understandable to other people, not just Chris and I. At daycare he has officially moved up to the preschool room. So far he loves it. A few weeks ago he learned about Saint Lucia's day in Sweden, where some of the girls wear wreathes with lit candles. The class made paper wreathes with construction paper candles for the children to wear in class. Then they learned about Stop Drop and Roll. (No I'm not making this up.) The week after, Santa came to visit. Today he learned about Chanukah. Clearly preschool is a culturally broadening experience.

Evan has also started singing and enjoying music. Happily, he can carry a tune but often he gets a little too exuberant and strays from the melody. (He's still got time to sort this out.) Last June we introduced him to Peter and the Wolf. He still loves it and it makes long car rides easier for the rest of us in the car.

As often in the past, our lives are good. We have been blessed in many ways not the least of which is the high quality of people in our lives. Thanks to all our friends for being amazingly wonderful. Many blessing to you and yours in the new year and beyond.
Christmas '05
November '05
Halloween '05
Summer '05
Evan's Second Birthday
Christmas '04
Winter Soltice '04
Halloween '04
Early Fall '04
End of Summer '04
Summer Solstice '04
Easter '04
Evan's first birthday
10 1/2 Months
Evan with Santa
First Snow, Early December
Halloween '03
7 Months old
Evan at 5 1/2 months
Evan with the Weavers
Evan at 4 months
Evan at 2 months
Evan: the early days
when Evan was Vlad