"The Powerful Executive"
Puttubayh Puttubayh

A Brief Background: Puttubayh is the Vice-President of the Tedan Tippedai Corporation, because of this he has a lot of power and influence. That’s how he got the chance to try and use Zeiram as a weapon. Puttubayh appears in two of the six episodes.

Despite his enormous wealth (and ego) Puttubayh’s plans fall apart on him and Zeiram escapes to wreak havoc on the galaxy at large. Being the ball of slime that he is, Puttubayh tries to cover up the whole thing. He even went so far as to try and silence Iria for good.

Iria confronts him and lets Puttubayh know that she has information that could destroy him. Like all snakes, Puttubayh gives in and crawls back under his rock, never to bother Iria again.

The Yeti’s Thoughts: I gave Puttubayh the nickname ‘The Powerful Executive’ but the word ‘slimeball’ would be just as accurate. In a way, this guy was a lot worse than Zeiram ever was. Zeiram just killed people, Puttubayh killed people too, but he didn’t even take responsibility for their deaths.

Really, a lot of the trouble that Iria and company get into can be traced back to Puttubayh. He’s probably my least favorite character, although he does have his moments. That fact that he went after Zeiram alone on the Karma showed he wasn’t completely egotistical.

Useless Trivia: Puttubayh usually pays bounty hunters through Ghomvak Security and Investigations.

[Iria] [Gren] [Bob] [Kei] [Komimasa] [Fujikuro] [Dr. Touka] [Puttubayh] [Zeiram]

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