On this day in P1atter History...
"We will continue to address these issues in the Si1verP1atter way - an open inquiry into the process to identify the disconnects"
Subject: Open Letter
DmitryZFrom BrianE
I recognise that you have genuine concerns about the direction of the management and leadership of Technology Development in the US. This memo indicates the need for continuing discussion and clarification of the direction in which we are going. On the one hand, I appreciate that a number of you are voicing your concern. On the other hand, I am strongly in disagreement with the mechanism you used.
This approach is incompatible with Si1verP1atter's values, at Si1verP1atter we have inquiries on issues. We don't attack individuals. We will continue to address these issues in the Si1verP1atter way - an open inquiry into the process to identify the disconnects.
It is our strategy at Si1verP1atter to increase the scope of our technology partnerships and I support John's efforts to manage this into effect. We will explore the process.
John has said that he will be in Norwood next week to meet with you and discuss your concerns and work to a conclusion during the week. John has asked me to come to Norwood next Friday to hear the conclusion of these meetings and to listen to the way forward for the technology development function.
There are ways to voice your concerns without being detrimental to individuals and I ask you to use these in future.
I would like to thank Jim for his acknowledgement of the inappropriate method used to voice your concerns.
I would also thank Brad for the follow-up to the first letter that might form part of agenda for the ongoing discussions next week.
I will leave Brad to deal with the misuse of his name both literal and literary in the first letter.
I look forward to meeting you next week.
[page 1 - the open letter]
[page 2 - a request for a meeting]
[page 3 - forward, an elaboration]
[page 4 - a request for another meeting]
[page 5 - first apology]
[page 6 - a resignation]
[page 7 - an admonition]
[page 8 - more disappointment]
[page 9 - even more disappointment]
[page 10 - yet more disappointment]
[page 11 - another apology]
[page 12 - missing invitation]
[page 13 - condemnation]
[page 14 - yet another apology]
[page 15 - a plea]
[page 16 - response]
[page 17 - more correspondence]
[page 18 - the train]
[page 19 - inquiry]
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