On this day in P1atter History...
"This feels like pieces splitting off without concern for the group"
Subject: Re: An Open Letter from US Software Development to Si1verP1atter and its Board
I have to say I'm disappointed. This rash of "I didn't sign it", and apologies really feels like a lot of back pedaling to me. I am also disillusioned. I felt that there was a good cooperative spirit in the development group, and that we made up a whole larger than the individual pieces. This feels like pieces splitting off without concern for the group. Jim, if you feel now that what we did, or the way that we did it was wrong, don't you think it would have been better to talk to the other people in the group first before individually sending off this e-mail. This certainly gives me the impression of a lack of solidarity, and lessons the impact and possible beneficial outcome of what we had hoped to achieve. I hope I am not the only person in the group that has these sentiments.
[page 1 - the open letter]
[page 2 - a request for a meeting]
[page 3 - forward, an elaboration]
[page 4 - a request for another meeting]
[page 5 - first apology]
[page 6 - a resignation]
[page 7 - an admonition]
[page 8 - more disappointment]
[page 9 - even more disappointment]
[page 10 - yet more disappointment]
[page 11 - another apology]
[page 12 - missing invitation]
[page 13 - condemnation]
[page 14 - yet another apology]
[page 15 - a plea]
[page 16 - response]
[page 17 - more correspondence]
[page 18 - the train]
[page 19 - inquiry]
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