On this day in P1atter History...
"It is essential that we get together and talk about the problems in Technology Development"
Subject: We NEED to Talk
I have reserved the Massasoit CR for this afternoon. It is essential that we get together and talk about the problems in Technology Development with the intention of exploring solutions. I selfishly need to get this resolved and would like to facilitate the process.
Please let me know if you can not attend at one and if there is a better time.
[page 1 - the open letter]
[page 2 - a request for a meeting]
[page 3 - forward, an elaboration]
[page 4 - a request for another meeting]
[page 5 - first apology]
[page 6 - a resignation]
[page 7 - an admonition]
[page 8 - more disappointment]
[page 9 - even more disappointment]
[page 10 - yet more disappointment]
[page 11 - another apology]
[page 12 - missing invitation]
[page 13 - condemnation]
[page 14 - yet another apology]
[page 15 - a plea]
[page 16 - response]
[page 17 - more correspondence]
[page 18 - the train]
[page 19 - inquiry]
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