The Great Kane Impersonator

Fire Marshal Kip....

Pink Palace Fife and Drum Corp.

Honor of the Clans....

Flying Blue Monkeys

The Moth Man

That day we got our circlet bands

The Swan Song

News from Nanscarrow

New Year's 2000

Pennsic Reports

The Coronation of Ailghenan and Ilissa

Why I joined the SCA

"A sorta funny story"



Shadow Legion War Cries

Actual Shadow Legion War Cries
(as divulged by Ld. Freiman before he ran screaming all the way to Drachenwald)



Other SCA Legends

Duke Andrew's accident

The Great Dark Horde Legend (of Pennsic 21)....

Blue tape in the last Pensic battle

The "Great" Challenge

Reprise of the Lyon

The Last Stand of Prince Francois

A Post Coronation story

The Fall of Gareth and Sabine

The Possum Incident

Fire Ship

The Blow Which Did Not Fall

Make-a-Wish (A day of Magic)

Finding the Dream

The Squire Story

"Colin's Dance"



Other tidbits of info

Advice to new members

What's the SCA all about, anyway???

Wear armour!

The Shakespearean Insult Kit

Daffy Definations

Cloven Fruit Operating Manual

The Wisdom of Hagar the Horrible