Adventures of Magean

Episode 2

Two children, Anna and Billy, were playing in their backyard after dinner. Anna is eleven and Billy is twelve. girlboy It was getting dark and it had just began to rain. They turned to go inside and realized that their house was gone. They took two steps where their house used to be and suddenly it was no longer getting dark and they were standing on a dirt path that was surrounded by fields of flowers. The sky was blue and in the distance they saw what appeared to be a castle. They ventured forth to the unknown. As they approached the castle, they found that it was surrounded by a high stone wall, which in turn was edged with very tall and lush green bushes. Anna followed Billy as he walked along the bushes searching for an opening that would lead them inside the castle wall. As he ran his hand along the bushes Anna watched as suddenly Billy disappeared. This stunned her, she didn't want to be left alone. She reached her hand out and began to brush against the bushes, and just as suddenly found herself standing within the castle wall next to Billy. There were people milling about and they took no notice of Billy and Anna. "Billy, do you notice how strangely these people are dressed?" Anna questioned.
"Anna, you are dressed strangely, too." Billy remarked. Sometime during their journey, Billy and Anna's clothing had mysteriously changed to a different style.
"Wow, what do you think has happened Billy?"
"I don't know, but maybe we should ask someone where we are," suggested Billy.
The first person they came across was a man sitting on a stool in front of a barrel.Cooper
"Hi, my name is Billy and this is Anna," Billy introduced them.
"Hullo, Eudaf the Cooper, here." (a cooper is a person that makes wooden casks and barrels to store things.)
"Can you tell us where we are?" Anna asked.
"You should see Magean or Maelorwen," Eudaf replied and then went back to his work.
Billy and Anna continued through the yard and next they came upon a man holding something over a fire.Smith
"Hi, I'm Billy and this is Anna. Could you tell us where we are?"
"Hullo, Powel the Smith, you should go forth to the castle and speak with Magean or Maelorwen," Powel stated, as he too returned to his work. (a smith is someone who works with metal)
Just as Billy and Anna reached the castle door, it opened and there stood a lady dressed in a pink robe with stars on it. "Goodness, we've been waiting for you to arrive!"
"I'm Billy and..."
"Oh, I'm Maelorwen."Maelorwen "I know you're Billy and Anna. We were beginning to think that you might have gotten lost."
"You must be the person that everyone has told us we need to speak to. Can you tell us where we are?" Anna questioned.
"Yes, of course. This is the Land of Enchantment. We called you here because we need your help. Just follow me, Magean is waiting in my room in the tower for us."

Maelorwen's Tower Room
Continue the adventure in Maelorwen's Tower Room.

You can still read Episode 1 if you missed it.

Back to the Land of Enchantment

This back ground is a "Snugg's Original" (4 kids mom made it) you may use it just link back to 4 Kids Land of Enchantment

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