Sarah Raccoon

Sarah       Sarah

The story goes that Sarah was the first little raccoon our Folks ever knew. Sarah came to live at our house when she was about four months old. She had been found orphaned by a very caring man who wanted a little raccoon for a pet but things didn't work out and she was given to a nice couple who loved her very much but their work schedules didn't leave any time for her, so she was given to our Folks, who had never even seen a real live raccoon before.

The Love Affair Began!

Sarah      Sarah


Sarah    Sarah    Sarah

Sarah seemed happy until her first season as an adult. But something was missing in her life and it was
decided with very heavy hearts, that Sarah would be given her freedom to live as a free roaming raccoon.

Sarah     Sarah

Sarah loved playing in the backyard and taking walks with The Dad. She was content to come in the house to sleep and eat but was building her courage to go out into her world.  With The Dad at her side there was so much to do and see and find.     Life was good.     One fine morning while playing in the back yard, way far in the distance........ a dog began barking........


To this day our Folks don't know if it was fear or if Sarah was playing when she decided
to climb the power pole that was very near her "playin tree".   It was all over in seconds.

It was just so fast that God took Sarah to come live with Him.


Tina and Tobey  *  Sarah * Maggie * Triple Trouble * Katie * Katie n Timmy

Rehab Class of '99 * Tribute to Abbey * Little Girl - The Mom * Rehab Class of 2000

Awards We've Received * Web Rings * Kid's Stuff  *  Banner Exchange

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