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Part 5 of Fanatik's Vidcap Tutorial

Before continuing make sure you've read Part 4

Part 1. System Settings
           Video Setup
Part 2. Capturing Images
           Edit Preparation
Part 3. Brightness, Contrast and Curves
Part 4. Adjusting Levels
Part 5. Color Adjustments
Part 6. Sharpening
Part 7. Montaging the caps

Step 7. Color adjustment    to top

All Adobe Photoshop color correction tools work essentially the same way: by mapping existing ranges of pixel values to new ranges of values. The difference between the tools is the amount of control you have.
For example, the Brightness/Contrast command makes the same adjustment to every pixel in the selection or image - if you increase the brightness value by 30, 30 is added to the brightness value of every pixel. On the other hand, two of the color adjustment tools are particularly useful because of the control and flexibility they provide. Levels allows you precise adjustments using three variables (highlights, shadows, and midtones). Curves replicates high-end color correction systems and lets you isolate 16 ranges of pixel values between pure highlight and pure shadow.

The Color Balance command lets you change the mixture of colors in a color image. Like the Brightness/Contrast command, this tool provides generalized color correction. For precise control over individual color components.

To adjust the levels of a particular color in an image:

1. Open the Color Balance dialog box

2. Choose Shadows, Midtones, or Highlights to select the tonal range on which you want to focus the changes.
3. With RGB images, select Preserve Luminosity to prevent changing the luminosity values in the image while changing the     color. This option maintains the tonal balance in the image.
4. Drag a triangle toward a color you want to increase in the image; drag a triangle away from a color you want to decrease     in the image.

Then continue with some more color adjustments using the Selective Color command. Here you will be able to manipulate the amounts of each color in the image, for example remove redness etc. I only adjust Reds, Yellows, Whites, Neutrals and Blacks. All others aren't apparent enough in the image to make a difference. Red and yellow are very subjective to the image, so play around with them. You will normally use values between 10-15 for each sub-color. For whites, I basically bring each level back to about -10. Neutrals should be done in very small increments, probably no more than + or - 4. Blacks are the same, i normally move each level up to +2.

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