Elite Four & Gary

#1 Lorelei
Dewgong Lvl. 54
Cloyster Lvl. 53
Slowbro Lvl. 54
Jynx Lvl. 56
Lapras Lvl. 56
Best Pokemon to Use: Electric or Grass

#2 Bruno
Onix Lvl. 53
Hitmonchan Lvl. 55
Hitmonlee Lvl. 55
Onix Lvl. 56
Machamp Lvl. 58
Best Pokemon to Use: Water, Flying, or Psychic

#3 Agatha
Gengar Lvl. 56
Golbat Lvl. 56
Haunter Lvl. 55
Arbok Lvl. 58
Gengar Lvl. 60
Best Pokemon to Use: ???Psychic???

#4 Lance
Gyarados Lvl. 58
Dragonair Lvl. 56
Dragonair (again) Lvl. 56
Aerodactyl Lvl. 60
Dragonite Lvl. 62
Best Pokemon to Use: Ice or Dragon


Your rival has already beaten the four and now you must beat him. His monsters will change depending on which monster he took in the beginning of the game from Prof Oak.

First half of the team:
Pidgeot Lvl. 61
Alakazam Lvl. 59
Rhydon Lvl 61

Second half (chose Squirtle)
Gyarados Lvl. 61
Arcanine Lvl. 63
Venusaur Lvl. 65

Second half (chose Bulbasaur)
Exeggutor Lvl. 61
Gyarados Lvl. 63
Charizard Lvl. 65

Second half (chose Charmander)
Arcanine Lvl. 61
Exeggutor Lvl. 63
Blastoise Lvl. 65

(You may beat the Elite Four as many times as you'd like to gain levels and get some more money.)

--Pkmn Snap
--Pkmn Stadium
--(March 2k)
--Pkmn Stadium 2
--Pkmn Stadium 3
--Smash Bros.
--Gold & Silver
--(Oct. 18)
--Card GB
--(Feb. 30 2k)
--(no plans)
--The First Movie
--(Nov. 12)

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