Upcoming Episodes

Here are the New Episodes that haven't been aired in the US yet, and they are in order of Japanese appearance. Note: These names are unconfirmed for US Release.

58 Heat Battle in Gren Gym
59 Decisive Battle
60 Squirtle Island
61 Battle in the Water
62 Clefairies Versus Jigglypuff
63 We Got the Last Badge!
64 Mr. Mime and the Pokemon Circus
65 Dueling With the Rival
66 Slowpoke Evolving Into Slowbro
67 Legend of the Surfing Pikachu
68 Gloom in the Garden
69 Pokemon the Movie
70 Why Meowth Can Speak
71 The Secrets of Pokemon Training
72 The Battle of Ancient Pokemon
73 Guardia's Friendship
74 Moltres! Declaring to the Pokemon League!
75 Pokemon League: Opening Game in the Water Field
76 Battle with the Flames in Iceland
77 Formidable Rival in Grass Field
78 New Rival
79 Dueling with Hiroshi!
80 End of the Pokemon League
81 Another Departure
82 Airship with a Mis-hap
83 Pokemon and Pokeball in the South
84 Ness in Bonds
85 Orange League! Natuskan Gym!
86 Mystery of the Disappearing Pokemon
87 Crystal Onix
88 Pink Pokemon
89 Secret of Fossil Atts
90 Dance! Pokemon Showboat
91 Adieu, Psyduck! Hello, Golduck?
92 Nurse Sailing Raging Waves
93 Navel Island! Battle on Snow Mountain
94 Snorlax Panic!
95 Phantom Ship Phantom Pokemon
96 Meowth's Island
97 Strike Be Soldier

--Pkmn Snap
--Pkmn Stadium
--(March 2k)
--Pkmn Stadium 2
--Pkmn Stadium 3
--Smash Bros.
--Gold & Silver
--(Oct. 18)
--Card GB
--(Feb. 30 2k)
--(no plans)
--The First Movie
--(Nov. 12)

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