Card #

Card Name


1 Clefable Foil holoR
2 Electrode Foil holoR
3 Flareon Foil holoR
4 Jolteon Foil holoR
5 Kangaskhan Foil holoR
6 Mr. Mime Foil holoR
7 Nidoqueen Foil holoR
8 Pidgeot Foil holoR
9 Pinsir Foil holoR
10 Scyther Foil holoR
11 Snorlax Foil holoR
12 Vaporeon Foil holoR
13 Venomoth Foil holoR
14 Victreebel Foil holoR
15 Vileplume Foil holoR
16 Wigglytuff Foil holoR
17 Clefable R
18 Electrode R
19 Flareon R
20 Jolteon R
21 Kangaskhan R
22 Mr. Mime R
23 Nidoqueen R
24 Pidgeot R
25 Pinsir R
26 Scyther R
27 Snorlax R
28 Vaporeon R
29 Venomoth R
30 Victreebel R
31 Vileplume R
32 Wigglytuff R
33 Butterfree U
34 Dodrio U
35 Exeggutor U
36 Fearow U
37 Gloom U
38 Lickitung U
39 Marowak U
40 Nidorina U
41 Parasect U
42 Persian U
43 Primeape U
44 Rapidash U
45 Rhydon U
46 Seaking U
47 Tauros U
48 Weepinbell U
49 Bellsprout C
50 Cubone C
51 Eevee C
52 Exeggcute C
53 Goldeen C
54 Jigglypuff C
55 Mankey C
56 Meowth C
57 Nidoran female C
58 Oddish C
59 Paras C
60 Pikachu C
61 Rhyhorn C
62 Spearow C
63 Venonat C
64 Pokéball C

--Pkmn Snap
--Pkmn Stadium
--(March 2k)
--Pkmn Stadium 2
--Pkmn Stadium 3
--Smash Bros.
--Gold & Silver
--(Oct. 18)
--Card GB
--(Feb. 30 2k)
--(no plans)
--The First Movie
--(Nov. 12)

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