Pokemon Snap Cheats

Ghost Photos

In the first tunnel, take pictures of the purple myst that floats around. When they develop, It will be one of the ghost trio (Gastly, Haunter, Gengar).

Group of Charmanders

To find a group of Charmanders, go to to the place where you can find Moltres' egg. Then pelt the egg with pokemon food, and if you've recieved pester balls, throw those. Then you'll see a Charmander call his buddies. From then on, it's a waiting game. After the Charmanders come, take a picture and you'll recieve bonus points from Professor Oak.

Some Rare Pokemon Locations:

Zapdos [Tunnel] Lure Pikachu near the shaking egg, and use the pokeflute and Pikachu will shock the egg, and out comes Zapdos.
Moltres [Volcano] hit the fire egg on the path with a pokemon apple.
Articuno [Cavern] Play the pokeflute near the Jynx's and they will hatch the articuno egg.
Muk [Cavern] Hit a Grimer 3 times with a Pester ball and he will evolve.
Ditto [Cavern] hit a Bulbasaur and he will change into Ditto
Charizard [Volcano] knock the Charmeleon into the lava pit with a pester ball.
Dragonite [Valley] Throw some peserballs into the whirlpool and a Dragonite will appear.
Arcanine [Volcano] Throw pester balls into the lava pits at the end of the level.
Slowbro [River] lure a Slowpoke near the Shellder sign and Slowpoke will evolve.
Vileplume [River] Play the Pokéflute and the smoking flower will sprout.
Gyrados [Valley] Throw a pester ball near the jumping Magikarp in the begining of the level and it will bounce out of the water and a Mankey will punch it. Later when you pass a waterfall, he will be floppng around. Hit him with another pesterball and he will fly into the waterfall and evolve.
[RainbowCloud] throw six pesterballs at Mews outer shell, and he will come out of it and you can snap some shots of him.

Thanx Jim Pokemon Center for these cheats.

--Pkmn Snap
--Pkmn Stadium
--(March 2k)
--Pkmn Stadium 2
--Pkmn Stadium 3
--Smash Bros.
--Gold & Silver
--(Oct. 18)
--Card GB
--(Feb. 30 2k)
--(no plans)
--The First Movie
--(Nov. 12)

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