Starter Deck

The Starter Deck is for BEGINNERS who are just starting to play and collect Pokémon Cards. It will let you play immediately with a friend. It inlcudes 2 30 card decks, 1 rulebook, 1 beginner rulebook, and 10 damage counters.

Deck 1

3 Diglett
4 Machop
2 Machoke
2 Rattata
1 Dratini
2 Potion
1 Energy Removal
1 Pokédex

Deck 2

14 Fire Energy
4 Ponyta
4 Charmander
2 Charmeleon
1 Growlithe
1 Bill
1 Gust Of Wind
2 Switch
1 Energy Retrival
1 Foil Machamp

--Pkmn Snap
--Pkmn Stadium
--(March 2k)
--Pkmn Stadium 2
--Pkmn Stadium 3
--Smash Bros.
--Gold & Silver
--(Oct. 18)
--Card GB
--(Feb. 30 2k)
--(no plans)
--The First Movie
--(Nov. 12)

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