Star Wars Fan Fiction

General disclaimer for ALL stories:  All recognizable characters referenced are property of George Lucas and Lucasfilms, Ltd.  None of us are making a profit off of our's all a labor of love (or insanity...)

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The Ashanti Vende Series by Wolfie
Category:  This series spans over many years.  It begins Pre-TPM and finishes Post-TPM.
Rating:  PG-13 overall
Peace Over Anger  
Prologue   Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5   Part 6   Part 7   Part 8
Part 9    Part 10    Part 11    Part 12   Part 13   Epilogue
First in the Ashanti Vende series, we meet Ashanti, the tough, quirky, rebellious Master of a young Jedi named Qui-Gon Jinn.
Honor Over Hate  
Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5   Part 6   Part 7  
Second in the Ashanti Vende series, this one centers during Qui-Gon's training and his first apprentice.
Strength Over Fear
Third in the Ashanti Vende series, Ashanti deals with a great loss.
The Will of the Force
Last in the Ashanti Vende series, a powerful conclusion to this moving story.
Visit Wolfie's D

Birds, Bees, Padawans, and One Jedi Master
by Wolfie
Category:  Pre-TPM
Rating:  PG-13

Qui-Gon Jinn has "that talk" with his Padawans.

Visit Wolfie's Den!

The Banister
by Cheshire Cat
Category:  Pre-TPM
Rating:  G

A lite fic:  Obi-Wan lets mischief get the best of him and it brings out the best in his Master

Broken Circle
by Wolfie
Category:  Pre-TPM; Xanatos/POV
Rating:  PG-13

A defining moment for both  Xanatos and Qui-Gon.

Visit Wolfie's D

Business Before Pleasure
by Kristen
Category:  Pre-TPM

An 18-year-old Obi-Wan gets into a spot of trouble.

Cast My Soul to the Sea by
Category:  AU

Part 1
   Part 2    Part 3    Part 4
What if Qui-Gon had not accepted Obi-Wan as his Padawan all those years ago?  And what if things had gone horribly wrong because of it.

The Chasm
by DBKate
Category:  Pre-TPM, AU
Rating:  PG-13, slash implications

Obi-Wan gets a lesson in sacrifice.

Visit the Phantom Menace Lair of Kass and Kate!

by Darth Solo
Category: Classic Trilogy, AU

Han and Leia face a difficult decision as they await rescue.
Read the sequel to this story,

Childhood's End
by Shadow
Category:  Pre-SW

On the outskirts of a Corellian city, in a small fueling station sheltered from the Empire and the Rebellion, one of the greatest fighter pilots of the Rebellion grew up.  How did he come to fight for the Alliance anyway?  And is he really the only survivor of his family's murder?  Follow Wedge Antilles' early years to find out.

Collector's Item
by Kristen
Category:  Pre-TPM

Obi-Wan meets a strange chick. Humor, no graphic sex.  Smutfic lite.

Counting Coup
by Kristen
Category:  Post-TPM
Rating:  R for sexual situations

Obi-Wan meets some desert dwellers on Tatooine.

Crimes Between Us by
Category:  AU, Pre-TPM
This story has been taken offline temporarily at the request of the author.

The woman who would eventually bear Han Solo meets Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon.  These are their adventures

Dark Fascinations
by Alice
Category:  Pre-TPM
Rating:  PG-13, possible M/M subtext

Qui-Gon meets a being that introduces him to a world of magic and mystery

A Day Off
by Alice
Category:  Pre-TPM

Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan wander about town on a day off.

by DBKate
Category:  AU, Pre-TPM
Rating:  NC-17 for sexual situations

Stranded on a desert world, Obi-Wan discovers a part of himself he didn't know existed.

Visit the Phantom Menace Lair of Kass and Kate!

A Doorway
by Alice
Category:  Pre-TPM

Yoda urges Qui-Gon to take an 11-year-old Obi-Wan on a dangerous mission

(a work in progress) by DBKate
Category:  Pre-TPM
Rating:  PG-13

A not so simple twist of fate leaves Obi-Wan fighting for his life against a foe he'd least expected to battle.

Visit the Phantom Menace Lair of Kass and Kate!

by Kaly
Category:  During TPM
Rating:  PG

Obi-Wan's reactions to the events late in TPM.

Visit Kalynn's Fan Fiction Archive!

End of the Beginning
by Shadow
Category:  AU ending to ROTJ

What if the Rebellion lost at Endor?  What would happen to the galaxy?  Would the survivors keep fighting or just lay low and hide?  A what-if ending to Return of the Jedi.

Facing Tomorrow
by Jessi
Category:  During ESB

Luke, Leia, Chewie and Lando's thoughts after Han is frozen in carbonite.

Visit Jessi's Fan Fic Page!

Falling from Grace by
Part 1
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Epilogue
Category:  Post-TPM
Rating:  G to NC-17 (each chapter individually rated)

Obi-Wan, Anakin, a princess, and more trouble than they bargained for.

Fleeting Touch
by Kaly & Taleyna
Category:  Post-TPM
Rating:  PG-13, implied M/M subtex
Concentrates on a what if plot involving Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon after the events in the melting pit during TPM.

Visit Kalynn's Fan Fiction Archive!

by Christina
Category:  Pre-TPM
Rating:  R for sexual situations and violence
Warnings:  angst, violence, rape... very DARK

Obi-Wan Kenobi, the woman he loves, and a terrible situation

The Giver of Life
by Christina
Category:  Pre-TPM
Rating:  NC-17 m/m slash

Inspired by Igor Stravinsky's The Firebird Suite, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan must bring life to a desolate place

He is not Me
by Cheshire Cat
Category:  Pre-TPM
Rating:  G/PG

Sabre practice goes awry

His Master's Sword by Moonscribe
Category:  Post-TPM
Rating:  PG

A few months after Qui-Gon's death, Obi-Wan has to come to terms with having Anakin as his apprentice.

I'll Find You
by Christina
Category:  Immediately Post-TPM
Rating:  NC-17 for sexual content

Obi-Wan and Padme take comfort in each other.

by Beth
Category:  TPM

Lonely, bored and frustrated on the crippled ship, Sabe begins to fantasize about a certain young Jedi.

In A Heartbeat
by Kaly
Category:  Pre-TPM
Rating:  PG, possible M/M subtext, depends on how you look at it

An attack while on  a mission, and the results for both Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon.

Visit Kalynn's Fan Fiction Archive!

Jedi, Heal Thyself
by Beth
Category:  Pre-Episode II

Obi-Wan is dying and Anakin begins a vigil with a powerful and compassionate Jedi healer who is his physician.

Jedi's Folly
by Kristen
Category:  Post-TPM
Rating:  R for sex, violence

Obi-Wan and Anakin story.  A month in the country takes a strange turn

Kareena - "The Beginning"
by Pamela
Category:  Post-TPM
Rating:  PG-13

How a young Jedi Padawan, the last of the Jedi being hunted by Darth Vader, becomes a Sith herself.

Visit Pamela's Website!

by DBKate
Category:  Obi-Wan POV  vignette

A bit of introspection.

Visit the Phantom Menace Lair of Kass and Kate!

Little Star
by Wolfie
Category:  Post-TPM

Qui-Gon Jinn's childhood sweetheart deals with the loss of her love and the new member of her family through a little boy Obi-Wan claims is The Chosen One.

Visit Wolfie's Den!

Love's Fate
by Darth Solo
Category:  Classic Trilogy,
What happens when Leia loses her memory and her inhibition

Luck Is a Four-Letter Word by
Category:  Pre-ANH, AU

Part  1:  Just Bad Luck
    Part 2:  Chasing Rainbows
A young Han Solo must help his friend escape from the Trader's Luck before she is destroyed by Garris Shrike.

Master vs. Padawan
by Beth
Category:  Pre-TPM

A lesson can be learned anywhere, even in an all-out, no holds barred lightsaber deul to relieve a little stress and get a good workout.

Memories of an Ice-Bound Mind
by Kritina
Category:  Post-ROTJ

What was Han thinking while frozen in carbonite?

Onlon by
Category:  AU, Pre-TPM

  Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5   Part 6   Part 7   Part 8  
A Jedi Apprentice style story featuring Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn in which they try to solve the mystery of the ancient planet of Onlon, and resolve a possible civil war that will have effects not only on the planet but perhaps the history of the Jedi themselves.

Visit Wolfie's Den!

Patience Is Its Own Reward
by JazzyJediLA
Category:  Post-TPM

Anakin and Sabe learn that patience is its own reward when it comes to true love.
Read the sequel to this story,
The Reward is Sweet
Read JazzyJediLA's other Sabe series,
Sabe's Journal

Portrait of a Queen:  Sabe's Story by Amidolee
Category:  TPM

Chapters 1-2
  Chapters 3-4 (this is a work in progress)
Rating:  PG

While Sabe is decoy on the Queen's transport, she develops a friendship with a certain young Jedi Padawan.

Qui-Gon Meets the Sisterhood
by Alice
Category:  Pre-TPM

by DBKate
Category:  Post-TPM speculation
Rating:  R

A battle, a discovery... and the need for hope.

Visit the Phantom Menace Lair of Kass and Ka

by Darth Solo
Category:  Classic Trilogy, AU

The sequel to

The Reward is Sweet
by JazzyJediLA
Category:  Post -TPM
Rating:  NC-17 for sexual situations

The sequel to
Patience Is Its Own Reward, Sabe finds that her patience rewards her in a way she's only dreamed of.
Read JazzyJediLA's other Sabe series,
Sabe's Journal

Sands Through the Hourglass
by  Cheshire Cat
Category:  Pre-TPM
g:  PG-13
Obi-Wan runs into some trouble while escorting a princess to her marriage cerimony

The Seasons Series by
Mona R.
Category:  Pre-TPM

Rating:  R; m/m slash

First in the Seasons Series; Qui-Gon struggles with a bit of insomnia, Obi-Wan provides a solution.


Rating:  R; m/m  slash

Second in the Seasons Series after
Autumn; Qui-Gon seeks a way to help his Padawan through a heartbreak.

Rating:  PG; m/m content

Third in the Seasons Series after
Winter; Obi-Wan suffers a loss.

The Shadow
by Alice
Category:  Pre-TPM

Shards of Darkness by
Part 1
   Part 2    Part 3    Part 4    Part 5    Part 6    Part 7    Part 8
Category:  Pre-TPM

On a solo training mission, Obi-Wan is captured and imprisoned by mysterious aliens.  Unable to use the Force, he must rely on his wits and training to escape.

Siren's Song by Wolfie
Category:  Pre-TPM
Rating:  R

  Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Interlude 1   Part 4   Part 5   Part 6   Interlude 2   Part 7   Part 8   Part 9  
Interlude 3
  Part 10   Part 11   Part 12   Part 13
Qui-Gon is on an important mission.  Who he meets and what he does could change his life forever.

Visit Wolfie's Den!

Student Jedi #1
by Wolfie
Category:  Pre-TPM

Qui-Gon, as a young Jedi student, meets his childhood sweetheart.  This is the story of who they were and who they'd become.

Visit Wolfie's D

Sometimes You Lose Them
by Kristen
Category:  Post-TPM

Obi-Wan tries to make a connection with Anakin.   Does he fail?

Symbiont Circle
by Michelle
Category:  Pre-TPM
Rating:  NC-17

A solemn rite of passage for the Apprentice that becomes a revalation to both Master and Apprentice.

Symbiont Circle II by
Part 1
   Part 2
Category:  Pre-TPM
Rating:  NC-17

Continuation of Symbiont Circle.

The Robe
by Lorry
Category:  Post-TPM

Obi-Wan and Anakin find a bond through an unlikely source

by Kaly
Category:  Post-TPM through ANH, OW/POV
Rating:  G

Moments in time that span a lifetime.

Visit Kalynn's Fan Fiction Archive!

Trikell's First Gift
by Rauhnee Ranshanka
Category:  TPM
Warning:  Deals with M/M relationships
Rating:  PG-13 for language

The planet Trikell is reknowned for two things throughout the Republic; the enormous flying, fire-breathing Drakons that are its primary race, and the power of its Seers.  It is here Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi and Master Qui-Gon Jinn are sent to attend the Fifth Millennial Celebration of Trikell's Queen Mother as an easy mission after the Naboo nightmare.  But it turns into a mission of an entirely different kind before it has even begun.

Visit The GateKat's Realm!

Venom's Lair
by DBKate
Category:  Pre-TPM
Rating:  PG-13 for some gore and violence

A Jedi Apprentice novelette.  A simple mission goes horribly awry and Dark Forces threaten the lives of Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his fifteen-year-old apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi.  Will they survive the trials and deceptions that await?

Visit the Phantom Menace Lair of Kass and Kate

World in My Eyes
by Christina
Category:  Pre-TPM
Rating:  PG-13 for some violence

Qui-Gon Jinn and his 23-year-old apprentice  Obi-Wan Kenobi are on what is supposed to be a routine mission to the planet Kalla.  While there they meet a girl gifted in the Force and learn something new about the Jedi Order.

Welcome to Zeltros
by Alice
Category:  Pre-TPM

Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan escort an ambassador to the hedonistic planet of Zeltros.

The Wraith by
Part 1
   Part 2    Part 3    Part 4    Part 5    Part 6    Part 7
Category:  Pre-TPM

When Qui-Gon is possessed by an alien, Obi-Wan faces both physical and emotional trials.

"Yes, Master"
by Christina
Category:  Post-TPM

Obi-Wan reflects on his promise to train Anakin.

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